Best relaxer for Super Thick 4b?


New Member
My neice is getting a touch up but needs to change relaxers and I am trying to help her out. Her hair is long, thick, coarse and mostly 4b. It has the tendency to be very dry but oddly doesn't break much. Do you know of a relaxer that will get her hair straight and not dry it out? Her hair dresser has been using no-lye pink relaxer (the Pink Lotion people) and I think it may have dried the hair out even more. PLEASE ADVISE. TIA.

Also, How do you know if hair has been underprocessed? it seems like maybe her hair isn't straight enough.
Hi I think your niece and I are in the same boat (thick 4b). I'd suggest Mizani sensitive scalp. This is good for thick hair because it can be applied to the whole head without any burning. Also this relaxer has never dried my hair, it leaves it shiny and can get super straight without damage. Another poster informed me that it is also no lye.

I think you'll know if the hair is underprocessed it it hasn't reached your desired level of straightness. I'm not sure of any other definition. My hair would probably be considered underprocessed if I wanted to get it straight...however it's texturized.
You may be able to get it from sheldeez. Some bss' also sell mizani though it's supposed to be available only through stylists. For that reason if you get it at a bss it's very expensive because they sell it only after stylists sell it to them.