Bunning/protective style w or w/o phony bun


Well-Known Member
This may be a repeat question, but I was wondering to consider the bun a protective style do you have to actually use a phony bun to cover your hair with the baggie. Does pulling the hair back in a scrunchie means protective styling. Does pulling the hair back in pony tail considered protective style? Should the ends always be hidden for protective. I'm not into phony ponies or buns so lately I've been pulling it back in a scrunchie with ends hidden or wearing a barrett and kinda just tucking the ends under. Last question, how may ladies are doing the bun/pony on dry hair, such as wear it down Sat/Sun then just pull it back the rest of the week still getting good results in growth?
well I think the ends have to be hidden to be considered a "protective style." I.E. not exposed, not rubbing on clothes etc. I did my first bun yesterday and I just tucked the ends under. I really dont get how to baggy without using a phony bun but My hair has a unique texture and I dont want a bun that looks too fake. I think plenty of ladies here do alternate with the protective styling because they still want to be able to enjoy the beauty of their hair on some days.

it will be good to hear others input on this....
I do protective styling with my own hair and tuck the ends under. I comb my hair with a wide tooth comb into a ponytail and wrap it around and place a large hairpin in it. I was going to buy a fake bun to do the baggy method. I don't think you can do the baggy without the fake bun unless you are doing the baggy overnight. I used to use a pony tail holder before I used the large hairpin, but I thought that it might break my hair off. Some people put the ponytail holder in EVOO before they make a ponytail.
I wear a bun mostly everyday, alternating between a sock bun or a phonypony or regular braid wrapped in a bun, I have experienced great growth from this. I re-bun every morning and take it out at night. I don't baggie because it doesn't help my hair very much and isn't worth it IMO. When I was younger I used to wear my hair in a ponytail braided down with the ends tucked under and I got great growth retention but I wasn't trying to grow out my hair at that point, I just liked the style because it was easy and didn't mess up my ends.