Calling 4a/b's: Help! My hair is Crispy!


New Member
I just washed my hair with Vo5 Vanilla & Tea Clarifying CO and Vo5 Strawb. & Cream CO. It didn't feel very nice while wet:( . I put in some Vatika and Coconut oil. I blew it out a little at the the roots . And voila!... a straw hat! help!:mad:
I'm not an expert but maybe you need a creamy leave in, or some other leave in that is more moisturizing than what you're using. I noticed you used on oils so maybe you should invest in othe kinds of leave ins. The other beautiful haired ladies should chime in here pretty quickly.
He_Leads_I_follow said:
I just washed my hair with Vo5 Vanilla & Tea Clarifying CO and Vo5 Strawb. & Cream CO. It didn't feel very nice while wet:( . I put in some Vatika and Coconut oil. I blew it out a little at the the roots . And voila!... a straw hat! help!:mad:

Was this your 1st time using the Vo5 conditioners? They may not be moisturizing enough for you. If I were you, I would shampoo and deep condition with something that has a good track record with you. The oils should have worked well on wet hair.
Don't add any heat to your hair especially the roots. I did this to my hair and the same thing happened to me. It was soooo crunchy I had to wet and deep condition my hair!! It was a mess! Some of the products you are using like the vo5 are cheap and they could be adding to the problem. Vo5 killed my hair. Try ORS hair mayo and motions protein reconstructor. They made my hair baby soft.:p Even the new growth. They may be a bit more out of the pocket but they get the job done.
CAPlush said:
Was this your 1st time using the Vo5 conditioners? They may not be moisturizing enough for you. If I were you, I would shampoo and deep condition with something that has a good track record with you. The oils should have worked well on wet hair.

Yes. This was my first time using Vo5. I guess my hair didn't like it.
you probably need a more moisturizing deep conditioner like elasta-qp dpr, or some cholesterol mixed with some oil. Let it sit on your hair for at least 30 minutes.
and then a moisturizing leave-in like the NTM leave in, you could even use the VO5 conditioners as a leave in.

then finally seal with an oil.
it always helps to lay off the heat.

Thank you all for your help.

Yes I bought the cheapie one because I read it here that it was good to use everyday. I perfer the more costly stuff but I thought I was missing something so I thought I'd try it.

Thanks again for your responses!:)
RavenIvygurl said:
you probably need a more moisturizing deep conditioner like elasta-qp dpr, or some cholesterol mixed with some oil. Let it sit on your hair for at least 30 minutes.
and then a moisturizing leave-in like the NTM leave in, you could even use the VO5 conditioners as a leave in.

then finally seal with an oil.
it always helps to lay off the heat.


I have some cholesterol w/ginseng. I'll try that. Thanks!
CAPlush said:
Was this your 1st time using the Vo5 conditioners? They may not be moisturizing enough for you. If I were you, I would shampoo and deep condition with something that has a good track record with you. The oils should have worked well on wet hair.

Oh my!!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: Why oh why did I buy this V05 no split ends mess. This conditiomer is the worst or so it seems for me AND you. Luckily, it's cheap. I wil NEVA, I repeat NEVA buy this foolishess that is conditioner again!!!!!! I'm done. :perplexed

Find you a new conditioner. I use old school cholesterol. Then get you some BB Casor Oil (in the jar). It's very hydrating and it's inexpensive. Tell that straw hat to go and find itself a scarecrow! :D

ETA: Just decided that I'm going to add this to my henna to give it a creamy texture and MOSTLY to get RID of it!!!
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