Catch-All Thread to Grow Thin Weak Temple/Hairline/Edges


New Member
After several searches, I discovered that there are several words used to describe the front area just above the forehead: temple, hairline, edges, etc. Getting information on how to grow this particular area of the head got a bit confusing so I thought it would be helpful to start a catch-all thread for this subject.

I'd appreciate any and all tips on how to stimulate growth in this area. I have been using a growth product on this area (sporadically) for about a month. I haven't seen much difference as of yet. Both products and techniques would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
Years ago when I was still relaxed, my hairline had broken off from too tight braids and nothing worked better than Wild Growth Oil. Used religiously, WGO works wonders on the hairline. I don't know about you, but I need to see results right away to keep using a product and with this, I could see the difference in a few weeks.

Good luck!

I started a challenge to address my hairline issues

Here are photos of my results
