Diet, Exercise, Water...Faithfuls Please Share


New Member
I know many of you have grown beautiful heads of hair using healthy hair practices, growth aides, and vitamins.

How many of you of you diet and exercise FAITHFULLY in addition to this? Do the people that diet and excersice have healthier/longer hair faster than those who dont? I know that people's hair grows at different rates but I am wondering if there is a BIG difference when a healthy lifestyle is added.....
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I think this is a very good question. I'm not consistant with my diet or exercise program, but I try to eat healthy often. I did notice that when I was consistant with all 3 (clean diet, exercise, and vitamins) for several months in a row, I noticed increased hair growth. My hair was also stronger. A healthy body usually leads to healthy hair.
I actually notice a difference. When taking vitamins alone, I don't really see a difference, but when I'm dieting, drinking lots of water and exercising for 30 minutes a day, in addition to my vitamins, my hair takes off.
I have never tried a growth aide, but I attribute my length and thickness to my diet, my kick *** vitamin regimen and exercise. :yep:
I actually notice a difference. When taking vitamins alone, I don't really see a difference, but when I'm dieting, drinking lots of water and exercising for 30 minutes a day, in addition to my vitamins, my hair takes off.

I am starting my own 9 month workout routine. I hope to gain a full inch a month including what I am getting with growth aides and vitamins.
I actually notice a difference. When taking vitamins alone, I don't really see a difference, but when I'm dieting, drinking lots of water and exercising for 30 minutes a day, in addition to my vitamins, my hair takes off.

Yeah I exercise 5 or 6 days a week, and take a multivitamin. My mother has been commenting between relaxers that I have a huge a mount of newgrowth each time, and I think my progress pics tell the story!