Diffuser Vs Air Dry for naturals?


New Member
:look: So after watching a few naturals on youtube use a diffuser instead of air drying (I air dry) I noticed a considerable difference in the outcome of their "out" styles. They had a lot more curl definition and it even brought some length out. I have never used a diffuser but I would really like to know before purchasing one

Do you naturals get better results with definition from using a diffuser or air drying your hair?
when i use a diffuser i get bigger hair (this is a wanted result for me lol). i wouldnt say i get increased curl definition because i get more frizz with the diffuser compared to air drying. but i assume that's where the bigness i like comes from
Omg I am never diffusing my hair again lol! Well at least not until it's longer. I swear, my hair drying that fast matted up my roots something awful! I think it decreased frizz but it wasn't worth it to have my hair that tangled at the root!
lol did you place the diffuser at your roots or did you just aimlessly let it wander over your whole head? I've never heard of more tangles after diffusing in over 30 videos I've watch on youtube!
Once I saw you reference YT vids I looked them up to see if I was doing it wrong, lol! I did it just like this one:


Except, I didn't concentrate on my roots to stretch my curls - my hair is short so it's not a big deal to me. But I just took the cone and moved it around like that...and not even for a long time, like, only enough so my hair wasn't soaking wet when I went outside (I cowash daily). I didn't notice how tangled it was until I detangled the next day though.
Once I saw you reference YT vids I looked them up to see if I was doing it wrong, lol! I did it just like this one:


Except, I didn't concentrate on my roots to stretch my curls - my hair is short so it's not a big deal to me. But I just took the cone and moved it around like that...and not even for a long time, like, only enough so my hair wasn't soaking wet when I went outside (I cowash daily). I didn't notice how tangled it was until I detangled the next day though.

no... i dun use my diffuser like that
this is how i use my diffuser pretty much... 1st i lean to one side and dry then i lean to the other side and dry then i flip my head over and dry the top then i flip my head back and dry the back and i'm done in like 10min (if that)
BlackOnyx's diffuser method is not good for me. Her hair is shorter than my length. Some ladies suggest curling up the ends to the rest of the hair and diffusing both parts like that, like taren916. Everyone has a different way of diffusing and depending on the way you do it you either come out with yummy defined hair or frizzy still shrunken hair.
its true, you have to try your own way. my hair is longer than onyx's but i just shove all my hair into the diffuser and go at it the way she does. if i move it around at all i end up with a hot mess
BlackOnyx's diffuser method is not good for me. Her hair is shorter than my length. Some ladies suggest curling up the ends to the rest of the hair and diffusing both parts like that, like taren916. Everyone has a different way of diffusing and depending on the way you do it you either come out with yummy defined hair or frizzy still shrunken hair.

Yea, I really just think my hair is too short and the air stream was too close to my roots (the entire time, rather than Taren's method where she has to scruch the diffuser to her head) - my curly fro looks to be only about 2-3 inches when unstretched. I mean my hair looked good (it was really shiny too) and it shrunk less, but coincidentally the next day was my detangle day and it was horrid.
I have a diffuser attachment for my blowdryer and have never used it. I'll have to give it a try. Maybe when I get a little more length.
I love my diffuser. Air drying is ok too but I find that with air drying, I tend to put my hands in my hair to check to see how much it's dried and we all know what hands in wet hair does...FRIZZ!!:wallbash:
I have a diffuser but the end of it (part where hair goes) is flat. Do you think it makes a difference in the results?

I tried it last night and really did not like the results--hair was frizzy in my more coarse sections.

Do you diffuse on low and cool? My hair was not dry after 10 minutes. My hair is dense with medium textured hair.
I <3 my diffuser and snozzle attachment.

IMO Taren916 has the best diffuse/stretch technique on Youtube. Once I discovered her channel and watched her videos...it reallly changed the way I style my hair.

ETA: One excecption for me is HUMID summer weather. I find air drying in a bun or puff is a lot easier to deal with since it's gonna shrink back up anyway. lol

I always blow dry my wash n go, because I touch my hair to check it too often when I airdry. I never use the diffuser attachment though. I just blow it dry with no attachments, and sometimes I use the concentrator nozzle. I get more definition and less shrinkage than air drying. It doesn't make my hair more tangled than an air dried wash n go, but post wash n go detangling sessions are always longer than say a post twist/twist out detangling sesh would be for me.
BlackOnyx's diffuser method is not good for me. Her hair is shorter than my length. Some ladies suggest curling up the ends to the rest of the hair and diffusing both parts like that, like taren916. Everyone has a different way of diffusing and depending on the way you do it you either come out with yummy defined hair or frizzy still shrunken hair.

I want to try her method. Her hair always comes out amazing!
I have a diffuser but the end of it (part where hair goes) is flat. Do you think it makes a difference in the results?

I tried it last night and really did not like the results--hair was frizzy in my more coarse sections.

Do you diffuse on low and cool? My hair was not dry after 10 minutes. My hair is dense with medium textured hair.
:perplexed I don't know? Most diffusers have finger-like projections on the end of the attatchment. I don't know how different the results will be unless your flat attatchment touches the hair like the regular diffuser piece.

@Rockstar & Sunshine: :notworthy I agree. If do decide to buy the diffuser, which I think I will now that I've got a few opinion, I will submit to taren's method. It seems great for the winter months where I just simply can't wait around for my hair to dry before classes without much heat damage.
I have been didfussing my 4a 3c hair. I like it because I can blow dry my hair quickly without the frizz but primarily I use the difusser because I can stretch my curls and have longer hair and more volume. (Oh I can shape my hair however I want) I have a cheap revlon blowdryer with difusser it is like $20. Here are some pics.



Oh boy, ya'll making me want to try diffusing again. I used to do it a long time ago and I think I liked it. I don't remember why I stopped either. I am going to check out Taren's tutorial on diffusing because I don't think I did it her way.

I wonder if the brand matters?
I usually air dry and have to sit on my hands so I won't touch my hair until it's dry. But when it gets cold, I probably will start using my diffuser more. I read about a method where you set your hair into the diffuser, THEN turn the blow dryer on. Every time you move the diffuser, you turn it off, set the hair in it, then turn it on. It's supposed to help reduce frizz, but I haven't tried it yet...
When i use a diffuser i get super huge, dry and frizzy hair. Airdrying gives me better curls but it takes all day and i cant sit still for that long. So ive been using a diffuser until its ~75% dry then putting a scarf on and airdrying overnight. This gives me similar results to fully airdrying.

I usually air dry and have to sit on my hands so I won't touch my hair until it's dry. But when it gets cold, I probably will start using my diffuser more. I read about a method where you set your hair into the diffuser, THEN turn the blow dryer on. Every time you move the diffuser, you turn it off, set the hair in it, then turn it on. It's supposed to help reduce frizz, but I haven't tried it yet...
Thanks! i need to try this out sometime
I airdry like 90% of the time. Usually, I'm not in a rush to have my hair 100% dry by the time I leave to go somewhere. I just figure it'll dry on it's on as time passes by.

The only time I use a diffuser is if I need my hair to be dry in order for me to do a particular style, or if I'm going out to a club or somewhere where I know it'll be hot/humid and my hair would be in a constant state of moistness/dampness.
I have been thinking about buying a blow dryer that comes with a diffuser lately as I wanted to try a wash and go for the first time. Is there a certain brand that anyone can recommend or does it even matter? Also what temperature is best used when diffusing?
BermudaBeauty I love your hair results with the diffuser. Now I cannot wait to take out my twist and try my diffuser. Hopefully it will work will with my Ms Jessies Curly Pudding.