Dry spray shampoo


New Member
Hi LHCF ladies!

I am trying to get as much wear out of my flat ironed hair as I can. I have tried wearing it for 2 weeks before and it has gotten a lil funky so I am having to wear it for 1 week then wash.

Has anyone tried Batiste Dry Shampoo on their flat ironed hair for in between washes or midweek before a weekly wash?
I haven't tried that one, but I did try Oscar Blandi dry shampoo. I picked it up from Sephora. It sprays on clear and the scent wasn't overpowering to me. It helped me to hold on to my flatiron for a few extra days.
I don't know what it is, but my hair holds on to smells. So, anytime I flatiron, I have to wash by the 4th day or I can't stand myself. Plus...my hair can get stringy. This product helped with both.
Anyway, I know that's not the one you asked about...but please be sure to post your review if you do get the one you mentioned.
I haven't tried that one, but I did try Oscar Blandi dry shampoo. I picked it up from Sephora. It sprays on clear and the scent wasn't overpowering to me. It helped me to hold on to my flatiron for a few extra days.
I don't know what it is, but my hair holds on to smells. So, anytime I flatiron, I have to wash by the 4th day or I can't stand myself. Plus...my hair can get stringy. This product helped with both.
Anyway, I know that's not the one you asked about...but please be sure to post your review if you do get the one you mentioned.

My hair tends to hold onto smells also.

I can't even stand the flat ironed smell itself!

I already purchased the Batiste but if that does not work, I'll try the Oscar Blandi.

Thanks for the suggestion. :)
i actually bought a bottle yesterday and used some as i had to go out that night and was in a rush. i'd heard about them cuz they gave out a free sample one morning at a train station.
i bought the tropical one. the freebie one was blush.

they were okay actually. i actually could've worn my hair out but ended up wearing it in a high ponytail last night and was surprised it had swing in it (considering it didnt have much swing earlier in the day and it was in terrible need of washing). i find them to have a weird yet subtle after-smell but i dont want to complain as it did the job till i was able to wash it today.
also as i've just coloured my hair jet black, i noticed that if you dont massage it in properly, it leaves a greyish haze to your hair. it sprays on kinda white/grey and you have to properly massage it in to get rid of the colour.