E'TAE products review


New Member
Good morning ladies,
So...... I love the products from this line. I relaxed my hair a week ago and then I used the products this past Tuesday that's because I got my package on Monday. The shampoo really gets all the grease and oil and build up out of your hair leaving the hair refreshing and clean. The silk protein conditioner works amazing. It left my hair so silky soft and gave a great slip. Next I used the spray the helps with dandruff and promotes hair growth because it cleanses the scalp. After that I used the carmalex to DC and I must say it left my hair so shiny and soft but this product is best used first not last because you are suppose to wash it out and then condition hair but I did it backwards only because since I wet my hair a lot because of my religion I knew I was going to Co wash my hair the next day. And as far as the butter shine and oil they are a thumbs up in my boom as well they leave the hair very moisturized and shiny and does not weigh the hair down. I am very pleased with my products and am excited to see my hair restore it's health as well as its growth in shaa Allah. And i purchased the whole line for as little as 111.00 because of shipping.
What are you waiting for give E'TAE a try.