Fantasia Hair Strengthener Treatment


New Member
Have any of you used this before? If so, what did you think? I bought it a few days ago. I think I may try alternating between this and my Infusiun 23 as leave-in treatments.
I'm on my second bottle. I use it after every wash. I have no complaints at all. I got a touch up almost 2 weeks ago and this was the first time that my stylist had NOTHING to say! Nothing! She didn't have to trim either! No, I take that back she did say "you're in really good shape girl." I've been doing a few things including conditioner washes and extra moisutrinzing so I really don't know how effective the Stregthener Treatment really is. The ingredients are all good so I figure it can't be doing any harm. Try it and let me know what you think.
I'll be trying it after my next wash which is tomorrow. I'll let you know what I think. Thanks for responding!
i tried it for a while and nothing seemed to happen. i thought it was making my hair frizzy and dry but i realized it was the Fantasia Leave-In moisturizer w/ aloe. so i don't know maybe i'll try this again!
This is a staple in my regimen. I don't have to use much of it anymore cause my hair is in really good shape. I use to use it after every wash, but now I'm rotating it with the motions nourish. I will definitely keep this in my stockpile. It makes my hair feel really strong and keeps breakage at bay