Flat Iron Advice


Hi ladies. This is my first post on the board and I'd like to say thank you to all for the great hair tips...

Tonight I was taking a stab at flat ironing my natural hair. I washed and conditioned, then blow dried a section. I didn't blow dry my whole head because usually these attempts are futile and doing all that work turns out to be a waste of time (usually 3 hours for it to last less than a day). So on the first blown out section I used Turn Up The Heat heat protection spray and a dab of vitapoint and flat ironed my hair. It was fine- pretty straight, with body and movement. The second section, i sprayed the heat protectant and dabbed Vitapoint on slightly damp hair.... I heard a tiny bit of sizzle, but *WHOA* it was straighter and sleeker than the first section- almost like a relaxer. When I was younger I got my hair pressed every week and alway had a problem with the THOUGHT of humidity ruined the press. I decided to test it... I went outside for about 3 minutes. I came back in and as expected, section 1 was a poofy mess. Section 2 though, looked fine. I almost didn't believe it. I guess what I'm asking is, is it safe to flat iron all of my hair slightly damp, or am I asking for trouble here?
