Going Natural Decision Wasn't That Deep

I just wanted to see what my hair looked like b/c I couldn't remember anymore. I always luv'd big, highly textured hair (and how it looked on me). Last summer I grew bored with relaxers and started watching youtube vids on natural hair care and styles and I was sold. And here I am now!
My reason was just because i wanted to. I wanted to see what I could do with my hair without the relaxer or whatever. It wasn't a statement, it wasn't a movement. I was just like ok, I'm going to do that and it's been a journey.
I just wanted to be free. Free of wanting a different texture, free of the burden of new growth, free of dependency on hairdressers. I wanted to travel around the world to countries that didn't have "Black haircare products." I wanted to free my mind about my hair and totally accept it. I never knew I would fall in love with it.
i know right.
my hair broke off in the summer of 08.
i decided i didn't like the thin look.
bc'd and happened to like my texture even tho i look better with long straight hair.
the end.
Yep..Wasn't deep for me either. I was just too cheap to pay $85 for a wash, cut, and style. So just decided to pay $12 to my husbands barber and called it a day. Literally overnight I went for a SL perm to a scalp cut.
i just decided to stop relaxing my hair. thats pretty much it. also i like the curly look on me a tad better.
Ok so here's MY reason.......I work out religously, I mean hard core spinning, kick boxing, boxing, step, at the minimum of 5 times per week. And let me tell you, I sweat like a man, lol. My head/hair is completley soaked when I'm done, mean like put your head under a faucet kinda wet. Yeah I know:grin:. Well anyway, it's hard to mainatin hair that is soaking wet like that in a straight style so I would just keep my hair weaved up or in a half wig. But here's the thing I would take my hair down in like four months and relax it, but still couldn't wear my hair down for the reasons mentioned above. So I just stopped relaxing. But here's the real silly part, this is the third and LAST time I'm doing this. I would go natural because of the working out issue. This would last like 2 years, get tired cause I wanna wear my own hair straight and my hair would only last ONE day cause of the gym. I would convincemyself ok, if you relax then you can wear your hair straight but alas the same thing would happen. I would grow my hair to BSL in two years relax, then cut. BUT this TIME I won't be relaxing again. I think I learned my lesson:lachen:.
Relaxers did absolutely for my hair + I saw an awesome natural head = I decided to go natural. The end.

It was not a huge, deep decision for me where I finally discovered my true unaltered self and became closer to my African roots.
It wasn't a big deal for me to stop relaxing. Relaxers never really lasted in my hair; after the second wash, my hair would look the same as without the relaxer, so there was no point to it.
I went natural because i liked the look of textured hair also. I liked my relaxer also, and had no problems with it at all breaking or growing. I just got bored of the straight look.
This is such a great thread!

The reasons weren't deep for me either. One day I said that I don't feel like relaxing my hair any more and my brother said to me "well then, don't" that was it.
It wasn't political for me. It was just about me, I had never even really noticed natural heads much before. I was just tired of relaxing and I was bored and wanted to do something else for a while. That lasted about three years and then I texlaxed and then I relaxed. Of course not really taking care of my hair the LHCF way my relaxed hair started to look like hell.
So now I am a "hair bisexual" I am texlaxed. I process my hair about 3x/yr. I too like big hair but I also like straight hair. I am extremely fickle. Now I get the best of both worlds.
Now that I know how to properly take care of my hair I think I can grow my hair to wsl no matter if my hair was processed or natural. I love both. It's just about my vanity and my obsession with hair, not much else.
Simple equation:

My love of big textured hair + scalp problems from relaxers = TaraDyan going natural.

No deep-seeded political or social issues were involved in the decision. :grin:
I've been natural most of my life but count my "going natural" point as the point where I actually wore kinky hair out of the house ('96). I went natural because I hated going to the salon and found other people doing my hair to be really painful.

Coming on the hair boards, however, opened my eyes to the ways our hair is connected to other things, though, whether we think consciously about them or not.
Loving this thread! Very informative. I confess, for me it's not "just hair" but I'm really enjoying hearing about the different reasons people decide to go natural.
Wasn't that deep for me either. I've always had and liked big hair (had been been texlaxed with still very curly hair for years)--and just decided to see what it would do naturally.
I just felt that not having chemicals in my hair was a better option for me. It's not a political statement or anything like that. Relaxers aren't my cup of tea anymore and I wanted thicker, healthier hair...that's all

That's exactly my reason :yep:

1. No more harsh chemicals - better for my health
2. No more touchups - save money and time
3. Healthier hair
4. Longer length potential

Basically, those were the major factors. I also haven't seen my natural hair in great health ever before. I dig it :)
My decision to go natural was not at all deep, in fact it wasn't even really a concious decision. I'd always worn micro braids alot - after a horrendous over-processing that broke my hair off badly, i just stopped relaxing in between. My mom has been natural for most of her life so i knew having a relaxer was not a necessity. I would get press & curls (no dc'ing, proper moisturizing, etc) and my hair would still thin and break. I'd literally just resolved to wearing sew in weaves for the rest of my life when i found lhcf, and of course, a whole new world of hair care opened up.
Well I didn't go natural for deep reasons either: my hair was very damaged and frankly I was really FED UP with touch-ups and scalp burns.:wallbash:

That was months before I discovered hair boards and even knew how to take care of my natural hair.

At the time I thought "I'll just braid my hair for the rest of my life".

However I did stay natural because re-connecting with my original texture made me think (a lot) about why I decided to relax in the 1st place.

I had to learn to appreciate the beauty of my kinky hair and love it for what it is.

Now there's just no turning back for me :yep: