Good Books for Young Christian Wives


New Member
I will have some extra time on my hands now that DH is gone for the next 4 months. One of my desires over the time we're separated but communicating, is a stronger spiritual relationship with God, with him and with our marriage. I'm not necessarily a churchgoer, but I would not have a problem reading books. Recommendations are quite welcome.

Oh, and these don't have to just be about marriage but about life in conjunction with Christ as well.


Well-Known Member
Created to be His Help Meet and the companion journal. This book is changing my life. My opinion may differ to the writer on a few matters but, reading it and slowing down to 'do' and 'act' as the journal encourages, is like sitting down with a wise old lady who has been there, done that, bought the t-shirt and dyed it her favourite colour. God knows I needed this book.