Great brush for detangling: Vent Brush (Nexxus, Conair, et


New Member
I know these are to be used for heat (blowdrying), but I have found that my Tresemme vent brush works wonders for detangling my hair. I have had it for at least 6 years and it still works like I bought it just yesterday.

* No snagging.
* No breaking.
* I can section my hair in the shower and easily detangle under water
in about 6-10 minutes.
* If I wait and detangle after I get out, it shortens my twisting in the

I am 4a/b and I LOVE LOVE LOVE my brush. Shea butter and water, and I am good to go. I don't detangle without it!!!!! :grin:

I know some love the Denman and can't live without it. Personally, the Denman that has been recommended snaggled my hair like crazy...not sure why. Maybe I can find a Denman vent brush.

Anyway...just wanted to provide another option if anyone was looking for a good detangler in and out of the shower...

It's also VERY sturdy. Nothing breaks on it.

(If you Google "vent brush" there is a Denman vent brush that comes up as an option. Mine is Tresemme. I may try the Denman because the spaces seem wider, and that is great form not stressing the hair.)

I hope this helps someone! :grin:


Re: Great brush for detangling: Vent Brush (Nexxus, Conair, etc.)

Can you post a link or picture of this brush?

I just learned how to post pictures inside the thread today. So...yes, I'd be happy to do so. Here is a picture, and the different manufacturers have different ergonomic designs but the basic design is the same.

Conair Nexxus Vent Brush: ~$12


Denman Hyflex Vent Brush: ~$10

I like this one best so far because I have read that it has wide spaces and doesn't tangle the hair. I am considering buying it to try...just to see if it is better than my current (Tresemme) one.

Comare Model AS 354 9-Row Tunnel Vent brush: $5.99

This looks most like the one I have now, but the "bristles" on mine are thicker. It is PERFECT for blowdrying, but I love it most for detangling.

I could post more, but this is the general design. I think the thicker the "bristle" and the more widely spaced, the better the brush.

I hope this helps!

is it bad that I am getting turned on by the pics of these brushes???

I really have hair, hair products, hair styling tools issues.

comare brushes are really good, I love their round brushes!