Growth Sprints -Wrapping Nightly


New Member
When wrapping hair nightly (during my break from braids, making sure to moisturized and ends well protected, I find that my hair is stretching out to its full length. I just take it down to moisturize, lightly brush the ends and shaft with my paddle brush. My point is that I get to see the fullness, thickness, and maximum length. It looks like it has a relaxer and is straight from roots to end. I guess that the longer it gets the straighter. I take MSM and use all natural products. I section it in to three parts and roll them up and pin them with those plastic hairpins, then wrap with the silk scarf. How many of you are wrapping your hair everynight? I am doing this until my next deep conditioning. I have started testing a new regime and so far so good. I do not plan to wrap forever, just testing my regime. It really shows the condition of your ends and any dry areas etc. sorry for rambling. I measured a couple of strands. The longest, one that snapped, was 16" so obviously it is growing. This is the length from the scalp to the end and does not include the part that was left. Looks like that braiding and moisturizing is paying off too. Bonjour.
Wow Mahalialee!

That sounds really interesting and I am going to have to give that a try. I never tried to wrap my natural hair before. Can you please share what products you use to do this?
Coincidently this week I was very I wrapped my natural hair for the last 3 nights and wore it in a bun during the day...and I too noticed this morning my natural hair was slightly wavy and looked like I had a relaxer in it. I thought that it was just a coincident. I'm gonna try this again this weekend and see how I like wearing it down. I'll keep you posted.
I have been wrapping my hair almost every night for the past 5 years. It is extremely healthy for my hair-except I got see-thro ends because I always wrapped in the same direction. When I first came to the hairboard back in August I think, I got some wonderful advice for that though and began to wrap my hair in the opposite direction-switching up from week to week or either every other night. I have had phenomenal success with this. I think you will like the way your hair does with the nightly wraps. But let me caution you-Your hair will get trained to always fall that way regardless of whether you set it or not:)
When you cautioned that your hair will continue to fall that way whether you set it or not...could you spell this out for me? Are you saying that the straightness will remain or that it will not curl after or that it will automatically be stretched out and hanging down? Please explain.Thank you, Bonjour.
Ok. I always get my hair roller set once a week. Even when I try to maintain my curls, in about 2 days (whether I wrap it or not), my hair falls straight. It seems like regardless of the way I get it set, it always falls to this one style (straight). But I think that is because I have been wrapping for so long. If you don't wrap as much as I do, you want have to worry about it. I don't mind that it does that though because once again, it is a virtually stress-free style and my ends always stay nicely bent until it gets dirty. I hope this clarifies the point for you. It is not a bad thing, but when I want a wear a different style with my hair down, it just seems impossible without a lot of spritz and stuff.
In that case I would be satisfied with straight and slightly curved. My choices of styles are upsweeps (chignons, French rolls, a crown at the top and the rest down, or a bun on the neck, or just loose. So that would work for me. Probably save me some combing and brushing time too. Thank you very much. Bonjour.
What if your hair only wraps good in one direction? I find that I can only wrap from right to left. My hair doesn't wrap good from left to right.