Hair breakage after the use of silicones?


New Member
Is it possible that after the use of products with silicones that you experienced breakage immediatly? I did... or is it just a moisture/protein balance story?
I guess its possible but for me it was over time. I wasn't using a shampoo w sulfates so I had bulidup of silicones and I realized they were blocking moisture from getting into my hair so I stopped using so many. I've really noticed a difference.
I think it's possible to get breakage afterwards, especially if some of the cones you were using weren't water soluble and completely coated your strands; like bimtheduck said, they can block out moisture, and the sulfate poo you use to get them out can further strip your already dry hair! I stopped using silicones and sulfates last December and it took about a month for my fine hair to get right and it felt like protein overload even though I hadn't used a protein product in a while. That's just how dry my hair was. I just started using sulfates again, by the way.
Do you clarify regularly? If you have a lot of product buildup on your hair then moisture and other conditioning agents can't get it your strands.
Yes i clarified...i use the Curls Clarify poo...and Curls cleansing creme. But the moisture block is normally something what happens over time. My hair starts breaking immediatly after using them in the shower. Don't get it.
Well i Clarified again. I went to lush and bought the henna & yasmine fluff eaze...and it did miracles for moisture. Love it...after that i used herbal essence beautifull ends (in usa known as long term relationship) what a slip!! And the smell...taking a shower is a little party now :)
breakage does not occur on my hair because i clarify each time i wash my hair. cones really help to manage my kinky hair. I used to shy away from them, but now I can't get enough of them.