Have any Naturals experienced any negativity from other Naturals?

Enchantmt said:
When I first wanted to go natural and realized I could transition w/o the BC, I posted a thread here asking for info and a few people PM'd me the other site since it dealt with natural hair. Being new to LHCF, I didnt understand the secrecy of the PM, lol..no one wanted to really mention it by name in the thread. Thats when I almost got cold feet, between that site and research on the internet, reading about peoples bad experiences with others, realizing how much emotions, politics, racial perceptions and everything surrounded black hair. If you have a curl pattern you're not "black enough", but you're still "too nappy" for most mainstream tastes. I just wanted to stop relaxing! It was a lot to take in, I almost stayed relaxed. I was also initially put off by the attitudes there, and a lot of the responses still rub me the wrong way, but I understand more the reason behind it.

When you are trying to change your mindset, you need all the positive reinforcement you can get. Any amount of doubt will stop you in your tracks. Anything telling women that their hair is not "good enough" or that encourages people to only go natural if they will have a "silky texture" is sort of frowned upon. The sad part is, it alienates a lot of people, as many do have a "curly" texture, that shines through, even without trying to define it. I've read many posts where people were disappointed because they thought they were going to have a cleopatra Jones fro going on, and they end up with not only waves and frizz, but even at times straight sections. For the most part black women have NO IDEA what kind of texture, wave or curl pattern we are going to end up with because a lot of us havent seen our natural hair since we were very young, and many cant even remember getting their first relaxer depending upon when it was decided their hair had become "too unmanageable". It's all some folx know. Regardless, we arent more or less black depending on our curl pattern, thickness or texture and EVERY hair type, from 1a-4z has its own unique challenges. Just because your struggle is different, doesnt mean it is any less of a struggle. The grass always LOOKS greener on the other side. I think what they try to avoid is the idea that someones hair is "better" than someone elses because of the texture or curl pattern.

This book may be out of print now, but you can probably still find it: That Hair Thing: And the Sisterlocks Approach. http://www.amazon.com/That-Hair-Thing-Sisterlocks-Approach/dp/0965742652 I picked this book up at half price books locally a couple of weeks ago for about 6 bucks. I dont want to get sisterlocks, I just wanted to read something positive about natural black hair. I had planned on reading it and giving it to a cousin that wanted sisterlocks, but its a really good book and I think I'm going to read it again first or try to find her a copy.

It deals with these types of mindsets, why we relax etc. Its not trying to really "push" her system. In fact the first 100 pages or so deal with influences on our hair and mindsets. The book is about 180 pages. It doesnt condemn folx who relax, but it does explain some of the cultural influences. How after slavery we were sort of forced to "conform" an look "less black" in order to get jobs and provide for our families. It touches on a lot of subjects that folx dont like to deal with surrounding black hair, like the "fact" many black women dont have long hair and that it wont grow, (and why this "fact" is actually a lie that looks like the truth: the only so-called legitimate approach to hair care that is legally open to us -that is taught in beauty school- ruins black hair) how and why some see our natural texture as an embarrasment. That we are the only culture that who can grow up never knowing what our natural hair looks like, how the "professionals" dont even know how to take care of natural black hair, and they are supposed to be the specialists. I think it is an excellent book for EVERYONE to read, relaxed or natural, whether you are planning to stay that way or not. I think even being relaxed, you can read this with out being "threatened" or made to feel bad about your hair choices. When you understand some of the influences behind the decisions made about black hair, you understand both sides and are less likely to get angry at peoples responses/reactions, because you know where it stems from. For some, it may not be totally profound, but it touches on a lot of attitudes that are understood and accepted, but not voiced, and personally it gave me a lot to think about. It touched on so many aspects of our lives, including personal relationships, defining our beauty.
There is so much I could say about it, for me it was very enlightening. If you have any kind of struggle at all about your hair and what it means to your identity, if you have doubts about being relaxed or natural, if you get aggravated over comments that are pro/con relaxed or natural, get this book. I think it will help vocalize some of the issues and allow you to consciously make your own decisions about what you want to do with your hair and be at peace with it. Personally I think being relaxed or natural is a style choice, but I now understand more clearly why my simple decision is viewed differently by others, and all the reasons behind it.

great response...thanks
babyblue said:
I'm a member at that board and yes I do feel some are overly militant and condescending over there. Do I pay them any mind? No. When I visit I take what applies to me and ignore the rest. Like relaxerrehab stated you take the meat and spit out the bones.

I wouldn't paint everyone over there with a broad brush though. I've met nasty relaxed heads and idiotic naturals. There are many over there like myself who are fine with heat styling and curl defining. Shoot a lot of active NP members have plenty of pressed hair and curl defining pics in their fotki's.

But one thing u must keep in mind the owner of that site sets the rules. She doesn't want any "heat talk" so therefore since it's a privately owned site she has the right to set her own rules. Those who disagree can choose not to go there, develop their own more inclusive site or better yet...stay here at this one : )

Please don't let negative attitudes of a few people deter you from becoming natural if this is what u choose. There is no one way to be natural. I love my naps and i love np, but I'm all for people changing their hair with a straight style from from time to time. It's your hair and you should be able to do as you please without being made to feel bad or talked down to like a child.

Exactly, I love being natural and I love wearing my hair straight. I chose to go natural because relaxers were breaking my hair off and my hair was extremely thin. I realized I can get the same straight look being natural and in the proces I began to embrace my curls. I love the attention I get when my hair is big and curly...good and bad.

I am a member at NP, but I have never posted, I just browse for useful info for me. I feel like why impose my opinion in a place that it is not accepted or looked down upon....it is a waste of my time, period.
Enchantmt said:
If you have a curl pattern you're not "black enough", but you're still "too nappy" for most mainstream tastes. I just wanted to stop relaxing! It was a lot to take in, I almost stayed relaxed. I was also initially put off by the attitudes there, and a lot of the responses still rub me the wrong way, but I understand more the reason behind it.

When you are trying to change your mindset, you need all the positive reinforcement you can get. Any amount of doubt will stop you in your tracks. Anything telling women that their hair is not "good enough" or that encourages people to only go natural if they will have a "silky texture" is sort of frowned upon. The sad part is, it alienates a lot of people, as many do have a "curly" texture, that shines through, even without trying to define it. .

ITA, I noticed this as well. Especially about the reinforcement part, it is very obvious.
When I get questions regarding my natural hair, I direct folks to my home site (LHCF) and NP. NP is a great site for naturals to learn different techniques and see a wide range of naturals. My experience on that site is very limited because the pages take too much time loading up. I became natural because of this board. I was leaning toward becoming natural at some point. This board showed me beautiful natural heads and great tips.
Country gal said:
I became natural because of this board. I was leaning toward becoming natural at some point. This board showed me beautiful natural heads and great tips.
About 2 weeks after joining LHCF, I wanted to go natural. It took me about 6 months to really go for it. LHCF was very eye opening to me when it came to everything about hair! :yep:
I get nasty comments from my friends. When I say that I got my hair straightened with a flat iron and it looks good, they say "so what you are going to relax now?" Uh no! It just means that I have one more styling option. Its sad when people who didn't take the time to learn how to style their natural hair wish you the same fate as them.

Keep growing ladies.
nappywomyn said:
They are focused on having natural AND nappy hair.

that's the bottom line. i post on that site and this one and whatever i don't agree with i don't let it bother me. i talk about what's accepted and if it's not accepted and i want to talk about it, i'll find another board to talk about it on. if you don't agree with that, don't post there. if you want to use heat, don't post about it. also the problem is not wanting to define your curls, the problem is becoming obsessed with trying to define curls that you DON'T have...i think people always miss the point that's trying to be made over there. it's the ones who come and have ZERO curl pattern but use tons of product x,y,& z to make their hair curl and get upset when it doesnt like their natural texture isn't good enough. that's what peope have a problem with from what i've seen. NP is about texture acceptance and that isn't.

Seriously though, if a bunch of NP members came over here talking about having long hair or a relaxer/texturizer/texlaxer is stupid and yall need to just get over it and go natural, yall would be ready to fight and defend your rights, lol. so why should NP be any different? just like LHCF has it's goals and mission, so do all the other hair boards and you have to respect whatever the rules are or just don't post. it's nothing to worry about because in the end whatever being natural means to YOU is the only thing that's important. who cares what someone else has to say about your hair *shrugs*