*HELP* Can you lose your edges after using MTG..


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*HELP* Can you lose your edges after you stop using MTG..

I was using MTG for my hair a few months back then I mixed with Virgin hair fertilizer and my hair grew 1" in two weeks then i stpped and I retained my length but now it seems like my edges are balding again. I don't know what its from or maybe I my be tying my scrf wrong I use a silk one. So now I put my hair back in braids with mtg, virgin hair fertilizer, and mn together to see what happens do any of you hairphisticated ladies can let me know whats wrong. Oh and i put a pic at the bottom I know how you all like to see proof.

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Re: *HELP* Can you lose your edges after you stop using MTG..

I no longer use MTG because I noticed that when I stopped using it on my crown I had amazing shedding and a part of my crown was somewhat seethrough from the shedding! This has never happened. I'm pretty sure it was the MTG because I was using it directly on only three parts of my head.
I have been using MTG for about 4 months and have not had any problems. Maybe it is what you are mixing it with. I don't mix mine.
This is what I wonder about mtg. It seems you have to use it in order to keep the growth. During my break period I had major shedding but I dont know if it is the mtg. I stopped using it in January. I never had any problems. I started shedding around august. It might not be mtg. I started using it on some areas that went bald and it is growing back so I dont have any conclusions about whether this is a condition.
I've been using MTG strait with no problem. Some products are just not meant to be mixed with others. I've even run out of MTG and experienced no problems from the lack of use. I use it on my hair and not my scalp. Maybe you could be sensitive to sulfur and not know it. If u are allergic to sulfur, MTG will give you problems. Sorry I can't be of more help to you.
MTG actually helped me grow my edges back, along with other things. I'm sooo excited, I've struggled with them for years and after I relaxed this time, my edges were back and in full effect! :grin: :yay: It's so weird actually having a real, full hairline! I love it.