Help! Need Haircare Routine(long)


New Member
Good morning everyone,

My goal is to get my relaxed hair waist length. My hair right now is bra length but I don't know if it will grow any longer. It has been this length for a year. I think my stylist is trimming to much of my hair so I am going to stop letting her trim my hair. Could any of you with growing relaxed hair share your routine with me? Also, how do you do a olive oil hot oil treatment. Thanks.
when i do a hot oil treatment with olive oil i use the regular olive oil from the store. i pour about two cups in a microvable bowl and heat it up in the micro. but be careful, if you let it heat up for too long it will be boiling hot and then it will take a while for it to cool down. so then i wet my hair and squeeze all the excess water out. then i put the length of my hair in the bowl and let the oil saturate my hair. i squeeze the excess oil out of the length of my hair and apply the left over oil to the hair close to my scalp. then i put my hair in a bun on top of my head and secure it with a plastic clip. then i put a plastic cap over my head and wrap a towel around it. then i leave it in as long as i want. the longer the better.

as for your routine...i think if you have already reached bra length your routine should be pretty good. it's probably really the is my advise, only get your ends trimmed when they are damaged. don't let the stylist convince you to get it trimmed. only get it trimmed when you can see that it NEEDS a trim. what is your routine right now? i always say, keep it simple. i wash twice a week. i make sure i clarify about twice a month. i use cream of nature. let us know your routine so we can give you advice.

Thanks for the response. My routine is:

1. Daily moisturize with S-curl or jojoba oil
2. Shampoo w/ creme of nature every 2wks.
3. Condition hair w/ cholesterol(every wash) and nexxus protein reconstructer(1x month)
4. Leave in Infusium 23
5. Blow dry & flat iron

I want to start hot oil treatments and washing my hair once a week. However I don't know how to get my relaxed hair straight without the blowdrier and flatiron. Right now my hair is in a weave but I'll take that out next weekend.