Hey permies, what's the ONE thing you miss about being natural?


New Member
The one and only thing I miss about being natural was how my hair looked when I pressed and flat ironed it.

Perfectly thick! And my ends were just as thick! I remember I had just given myself a fresh blunt cut (waaay back in 04). My ends formed this beautiful straight black line and there wasn't a split end in sight.....

My hair is ok now and it's still thick but not like when I was natural. But
that's all I miss. I don't miss all the work it took to wash it, style it every day, comb it,.... I could go on and on about what I don't miss.

But there's only one thing I really do miss....
Wearing twist for 2 weeks with no extensions. IT was vry low maintenance. Bu that is about all. Otherwise I prett much still treat my hair like it was natural.. MIn amount of heat, washing and conditioning every other day and so on.
i loved the texture of my natural hair and the versitility, the only reason I started perming again was because I was applying what i thought was care free conditioner in the shower and smelled something funny when I checked it was really a chemical in a bottle, I did't know that there were liquid chemicals I picked up the wrong bottle in the bss. ahhhhhhhhhh that really made me upset I had finally transitioned and cut my hair to 3 inches to go natural and my hair was starting to grow again. :mad:
I miss the way my hair curled at the end of my twists. Also, the silky texture when it was flat-ironed. But most of all I miss the ease. Relaxed hair is cool. But I've never liked getting touchups. It's such a friggin' chore to me.
I don't remember my natural hair. I was permed at the age of 1 and 1/2... so I guess I don't miss anything.. :lol: In a silly mood 2night...
I don't remember being natural :perplexed When it was natural my mum and grandma were the ones styling and caring for it. I tell you this much, I don't miss getting the crap burned out of my ears from that darn hot comb.
I thought that I wouldn't be able to do twists in my hair once it was relaxed, but suprisingly I can and it looks natural!! So I don't really miss much about being natural except for the minimal breakage I would get.
My natural hair was more forgiving than my permed hair. I could be lazy and not moisturize or be a little rough with my hair, and I would hardly have any breakage. With my permed hair, if my satin scarf came off in the middle of the night, I'd be bald-headed the next morning.:perplexed