How about taking Chlorella?

What type of Chlorella are you taking

  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 72 24.7%
  • Source Naturals Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 60 20.6%
  • Sun chlorella Tablets

    Votes: 22 7.6%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Tablets

    Votes: 13 4.5%
  • Jarrow Yaeyama Powder

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Earthrise Tablets

    Votes: 23 7.9%
  • Now Chlorella Tablet

    Votes: 18 6.2%
  • Now Chlorella Powder

    Votes: 8 2.7%
  • Vitamin Shoppe Super Chlorella

    Votes: 34 11.7%
  • Other Chlorella brand

    Votes: 45 15.5%

  • Total voters
A little off topic - this is a great thread. There is a wealth of information here and all the ladies are so positive.
Hi everyone! As soon as I finish my current stash of supplements I will only take Chlorella,Wheat Grass and Spirulina.No multi. Tried a shot of Wheat Grass yesterday. Not bad and it bulked up my Sorry tmi I know just thought it may help someone. Oh yea I have been taking the Chlorella for about 1.5 weeks I almost cut my skin on my hands with my nails!
I don't understand how people's nails are getting stronger at the ends? It just doesn't make sense. I thought nails are just like hair, Once they come out and are visible it's just dead stuff. If you break a nail how is it gonna MEND back together? You take chlorella for a week and all of a sudden your nail are EXTREMELY strong? That just doesn't make any sense. Someone help me to understand.
I'm not into science and all that, but chlorella was the only thing that I introduced into my body over a week ago. Before that my nails were weak, could bend back easily, and I could rip them without any effort. Now it's so hard to bend it, rip it, you name it. I have to now take my nail clipper to clip them.

If someone else could chime in that would be great.

I suck at explaining!
Subscribing. My stylist confirmed I get an inch a month of growth from topical growth will be interesting to see if and how the chlorella will play a role
I am taking Earthrise Green Blends. It combines: Spirulina 1000mg, Chlorella 400mg, Barley Grass 400mg, Wheat Grass 400mg, Alfalfa Herb 150mg, Chlorophyll 16mg, Broccoli Foret 150mg, and Phycocyanin 140mg. The suggested dosage is. 4 caplets daily. I am not going to tweak that. I am satisfied with the results I am getting and my BM's are green and regular. This is day 3. I chose this one to keep from having to add a bunch of stuff later! This way I can get the full benefits of each of these powerful greens. I also take Chlorophyll 50mg liquid with mint flavor once per day.

So far the only side effects, indegestion. Not sure what caused it, but its terrible, I had to take some Zantac. It could be something I drank. I usually drink water plain or flavored, but last night I had a coconut mango bananna juice blend, that may be the culprit.
Yes, I find that keeping up with each other's progress is agreeable versus doing a challenge. I can agree that yes, there are challenges all over this board... In essence, though, this one sums all of them up! Hahaha... This is the combo of MSM challenge, biotin challenge, protein challenge, drink your hair to waist length challenge, Japanese secret to hair growth/seaweed challenge, hmm... what else... Nuff said, right!

LOL I agree!

I don't understand how people's nails are getting stronger at the ends? It just doesn't make sense. I thought nails are just like hair, Once they come out and are visible it's just dead stuff. If you break a nail how is it gonna MEND back together? You take chlorella for a week and all of a sudden your nail are EXTREMELY strong? That just doesn't make any sense. Someone help me to understand.

Yes I am puzzled as well. I thought that the nails that were already there before taking chlorella would have to break away before revealing stronger nails but it sounds like people's already existing nails are getting stronger. Would certainly be cool if it could do that with already existing hair on our heads.
I dont really know how to explain either. It was the only thing I addded in the last 1.5 weeks. I am a stay at home mommy who washes a lot of dishes. Usually my nails would break easily. This week they have not. And they are not soft and pliable. They are strong. However, I am drinkingfor waistlong hair and also I add a green smoothie powder mixture to my breakfast. Maybe everything is working together...But not everyone who is claiming stronger and longer nails drink what I do...I can only testify for myself...
Hi everyone! As soon as I finish my current stash of supplements I will only take Chlorella,Wheat Grass and Spirulina.No multi. Tried a shot of Wheat Grass yesterday. Not bad and it bulked up my Sorry tmi I know just thought it may help someone. Oh yea I have been taking the Chlorella for about 1.5 weeks I almost cut my skin on my hands with my nails!

I agree with the above. Im cutting out my multi-vitamins, fish oil etc. I read the link LD posted and pm'd me and I ordered spirulina and chlorella powder. I will have gone from taking about 20 pills a day for hair and health to maybe 3 if I decide to add silica.

I tried 4g of chlorella today and its not bad. I am noticing the cleansing side effects on my skin. The egg shake gave me flawless skin but I have a few bumps so I think its the chlorella, hopefully this will go away. My goal is to do 12:6 ratio of spirulina and chlorella until I meet my goal and then cut that in half.

The nails thing is amazing. I feel like I can poke a hole in the wall with my nails they are so strong. I don't get how it works but I love it anyway.
Day 3 for me, but I got a sudden case of indegestion after I took it the last time, and I wash it down with water.
Otherwise all else is cool. Anyone else experience this?

I haven't personally but I posted something that says some may experience stomach upset, so maybe that's what's going on with you. Your body is just detoxing. If you've been taking it for 3 days, I don't think you're allergic or anything.
Maybe I'm going too fast. Today is my 3rd day and I put all 10 tablets in my smoothie this morning. I took 15 yesterday. No problems.

Thing is, I'm taking iron pills and we all know what iron does. Hmmm, I need something movin'.

Question ladies, do you think chlorella will eventually replace your multi vits? I hate taking so much stuff.

Check out chlorella. Depending on how much iron you need, and how much chlorella you're chlorella already has iron in it and it may or may not be needed (unless you have a huge iron deficiency or anemia and even then if you're taking enough chlorella you could be fine. Check the vitamin stats I posted earlier in the thread for chlorella).
We never officially started a challenge here.. I asked about it earlier and nobody said anything. So I'm asking, do you ladies want to start a challenge, or a study, shall we say! LOL>... How about something along the lines of what Luckiest is doing... Several people take a certain amount, and those who can stomach it or take it safely, take larger amounts and see what types of results we get. The biologist in me coming out. Letme know what you guys all think... I'm ready!

I started taking this stuff last week, I think, and my nails are growing like crazy. My hair is natural and so therefofre, I have major shrinkage, I can't tell if I've got growth or not, but I do know that recently I just cut it to shoulder length and did take pics, so we'll see. I'm going to measure today and see what I get a week from now. I'm taking 3g daily, will up it to 5 today. Although I am seriously hoping that this will be the end of topical growth aids and multi's.

I was thinking about that myself, from what you posted earlier about a challenge, but I think that with everyone posting their results, we'll be able to discover what works, which type (for example if one type of chlorella brand works better than another), how much, etc. Just as long as everyone reports back, and hopefully eventually posts pics, I think that may be enough. What does everyone else think? I'd hate to deprive those who want to take more, of it because they're on the smaller dose side. Because eventually even smaller dose people can take more. Like the article I posted says, eventually your body gets used to it and then you can increase the amount you take.
We never officially started a challenge here.. I asked about it earlier and nobody said anything. So I'm asking, do you ladies want to start a challenge, or a study, shall we say! LOL>... How about something along the lines of what Luckiest is doing... Several people take a certain amount, and those who can stomach it or take it safely, take larger amounts and see what types of results we get. The biologist in me coming out. Letme know what you guys all think... I'm ready!

I started taking this stuff last week, I think, and my nails are growing like crazy. My hair is natural and so therefofre, I have major shrinkage, I can't tell if I've got growth or not, but I do know that recently I just cut it to shoulder length and did take pics, so we'll see. I'm going to measure today and see what I get a week from now. I'm taking 3g daily, will up it to 5 today. Although I am seriously hoping that this will be the end of topical growth aids and multi's.

I was most definitely thinking of this because I love simplifying my life. I probably will still do my tea rinse, but I don't see myself purchasing any growth aids in the future. Especially if this works so much better and I believe we're on to something!
Wow, I just read that entire article. This is some good stuff. I'm thinking it just might replace my multi vit, msm, biotin, my waistlength drink w/ the raw egg, ALA, digestive enzymes, and aloe. Dang, that's a lot of supplements!!

That's why I had to share it with lhcf because I was shocked when I saw all the benefits. All those vitamins are right in chlorella. And in addition as it's a whole food w/o fillers or binders (even my tablets are that way), it is much more absorbable in the body than any vitamin can ever be. I posted something about how that works earlier in the thread too. (I'm a little article crazy:drunk:)
Yes and your body should absorb the nutrients from chlorella A LOT better than it did those other supps you were taking. The nutrients are HIGHLY absorbable. I ran out of MSM and have not bothered to purchase anymore because I don't believe I will need it anymore with chlorella. I never really saw any fast growth with MSM but I kept taking it to hopefully extend my growing phase but with 1-2" shooting out of your head a month with chlorella who needs to extend the growing phase?:drunk:
Yes and more yes to bolded! :amen:
I really like the idea of keeping up with each others progress better than having a challenge. I think there are already so many challenges going on in this forum, but by all means don't take my word as the final decision as I'm just coming into this thread.
I agree, because this is something that's specific to each person (one person may be able to take more chlorella than another, or may want to take less). I think you should be able to adjust as needed. But if we keep up with each other's progress, it's going to be fine. JUST pleast post your progress!
anybody struggling with constipation from taking Chlorella?
If you are, it's like I wrote earlier: constipation or diarrhea...cut your chlorella in half and wait until your body gets used to it (normal bathroom) and wait at least a week or more before increasing as your body is detoxing.
In the beginning I was going everyday, now it has slowed, so I am trying to tweak it a little. I am taking 3grams a day... I may lower it a tad or just keep it where it is...And by the way the poop when it happens is green. I dont know why it slowed all of a sudden... I am upping my water intake and will be taking the powder soon.

Good about the green thing. Now about the whole slowing up thing, your body is getting used to it. If you're not having side effects, you can increase it.
A little off topic - this is a great thread. There is a wealth of information here and all the ladies are so positive.
:heart: I can't speak for everyone else, but I will say for myself, thank you for that. I am happy to get out the info, and I agree that this thread is so positive, and I hope it stays that way! I love just sharing ideas and wishing others well as we try to find out what works for us. :grin:
I don't understand how people's nails are getting stronger at the ends? It just doesn't make sense. I thought nails are just like hair, Once they come out and are visible it's just dead stuff. If you break a nail how is it gonna MEND back together? You take chlorella for a week and all of a sudden your nail are EXTREMELY strong? That just doesn't make any sense. Someone help me to understand.

You know I can't even say specifics of that even with all the research. I just know it works. I know the CFG causes cell turnover fast and regeneration of tissue...however you're right that it's dead stuff. But it just goes to show that this stuff is something that's really helpful for the body.
I am taking Earthrise Green Blends. It combines: Spirulina 1000mg, Chlorella 400mg, Barley Grass 400mg, Wheat Grass 400mg, Alfalfa Herb 150mg, Chlorophyll 16mg, Broccoli Foret 150mg, and Phycocyanin 140mg. The suggested dosage is. 4 caplets daily. I am not going to tweak that. I am satisfied with the results I am getting and my BM's are green and regular. This is day 3. I chose this one to keep from having to add a bunch of stuff later! This way I can get the full benefits of each of these powerful greens. I also take Chlorophyll 50mg liquid with mint flavor once per day.

So far the only side effects, indegestion. Not sure what caused it, but its terrible, I had to take some Zantac. It could be something I drank. I usually drink water plain or flavored, but last night I had a coconut mango bananna juice blend, that may be the culprit.
I'm thinking it's maybe something you drank too, after reading the above. Your not taking much chlorella yet. Are you planning on adding just a little more chlorella into your diet like extra powder?
I dont really know how to explain either. It was the only thing I addded in the last 1.5 weeks. I am a stay at home mommy who washes a lot of dishes. Usually my nails would break easily. This week they have not. And they are not soft and pliable. They are strong. However, I am drinkingfor waistlong hair and also I add a green smoothie powder mixture to my breakfast. Maybe everything is working together...But not everyone who is claiming stronger and longer nails drink what I do...I can only testify for myself...

Same effect. Mine always split and they aren't now, plus they're growing as fast as I cut them!
I agree with the above. Im cutting out my multi-vitamins, fish oil etc. I read the link LD posted and pm'd me and I ordered spirulina and chlorella powder. I will have gone from taking about 20 pills a day for hair and health to maybe 3 if I decide to add silica.

I tried 4g of chlorella today and its not bad. I am noticing the cleansing side effects on my skin. The egg shake gave me flawless skin but I have a few bumps so I think its the chlorella, hopefully this will go away. My goal is to do 12:6 ratio of spirulina and chlorella until I meet my goal and then cut that in half.

The nails thing is amazing. I feel like I can poke a hole in the wall with my nails they are so strong. I don't get how it works but I love it anyway.
I would think so. My skin looks like silk now, and it's almost poreless in look at least! It's from the chlorella. So maybe you're detoxing a bit, and then it will be okay. From all the stuff I read, it helps to clear acne with continued use. You could also just be having a break out of sorts. Either way, keep taking it and it will clear up and shouldn't be for long at all.
Over the past two days I have read this entire thread. I am making a trip to vitamin shoppe tomorrow. I am really excited to try chlorella after everything I have read. Before reading this thread I had already made a shopping list to go and try ala, biotin and b-complex, but I wasnt excited about the extra facial hair and acne that people have been experiencing. I really help that this will help simplify my life as well. It sure would be nice to get all of these benefits without doing or taking a million different things.
Get this. I think it's hysterical. Now I am natural but my mom is relaxed. My mom called me complaining "Damn it ---(insert my name here but for internet puposes insert luckiest destiny) what are you doing to me? I just got a relaxer!" She's complaining because she has new growth already! I told her like that's a BAD problem. She was using chorella just for health benefits. She said she'll keep using it but she's mad damn it! Cause she just had her hair done last week.:rolleyes:Talk about a GOOD problem.
Get this. I think it's hysterical. Now I am natural but my mom is relaxed. My mom called me complaining "Damn it ---(insert my name here but for internet puposes insert luckiest destiny) what are you doing to me? I just got a relaxer!" She's complaining because she has new growth already! I told her like that's a BAD problem. She was using chorella just for health benefits. She said she'll keep using it but she's mad damn it! Cause she just had her hair done last week.:rolleyes:Talk about a GOOD problem.

That's a great problem to have.
:lachen::lachen::lachen:Here's to hoping that we can all have that same GOOD problem. Then we'll be asking if we should cut down our doses cause we've already reached our goals and it's growing too fast!:lachen::lachen:
Get this. I think it's hysterical. Now I am natural but my mom is relaxed. My mom called me complaining "Damn it ---(insert my name here but for internet puposes insert luckiest destiny) what are you doing to me? I just got a relaxer!" She's complaining because she has new growth already! I told her like that's a BAD problem. She was using chorella just for health benefits. She said she'll keep using it but she's mad damn it! Cause she just had her hair done last week.:rolleyes:Talk about a GOOD problem.
that is funny!!!!!
I have not seen the growth in length in my nails but they are definitely stronger and harder.