How exaclty do you "tuck away" your ends?


Well-Known Member
I have trouble keeping splits at bay since I have fine hair. I wear it up but I can never tuck the ends away or at least I dont know exactly how. My PS usually is a messy lower bun.

Does tucking usually involve having the ends inside the other hair and secured with a pin? Or do you twist and insert them in part of the band you use (which I think wont go over well with my fragile ends).

How do you tuck yours away?


Well-Known Member
I do a cinnamon bun and use pins to secure it... You can google the cinnamon bun on youtube there are a few demos over there. HTH :)


Well-Known Member
I do the southern tease bun. After moisturizing and sealing I pull the hair back like a pony tail fold then length up and then fold one side of my hair back over the length and the other side over that and secure. That bun is in my avi.

When I do a doughnut bun after i moisturize and seal, i pull my hair back into a pony tail, and I slip the doughnut i purchased from Sally's around the base of the pony tail. I fan the pony tail around it and secure it with a scrunchi. Then I tuck the ends that are sticking out from the fan around and underneath the scrunchie, they stay all day.

There's a pic of that bun here in my photo albums and in my online photo album link in my siggy.

Its now on photobucket, fotki keeps trying to install a virus so I spent last night creating new album links in photobucket so others wouldn't have issues with fotki and viruses.

Here is her post with links to her youtube showing the bun technique:

Since I'm relaxed and my hair is no where near as thick and beautiful as hers, I do what I can with the technique. HTH
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New Member
thank u guys for this! my hair is significantly shorter than all of yours so I have been using Kimmaytube(youtube)'s method of keeping my hair tucked away and then coming up with some of my own


Well-Known Member
This is the one time I wore my hair in a protective style with ends tucked under. I basically twisted my two-strand twists the way one twists hair to make a French twist but going horizontally instead of vertically. I then rolled the ended together and pinned them with the ends under the hair: