I need help..Please I dont know what to do with my hair!


New Member
Hi Ladies,

Thank you for even looking at this thread.

Ok I need some expert advice( you ladies of course)...I have 4a.4b hair/relaxed...I stretched for 11 weeks before..I just don't do anything with it. I dont know what products to use and I dont have a regimine. I find myself getting up puttin on a head band and pinning it under...EVERYDAY! I'm so boring!

I need to get some body and sheen into my hair. I need to know what products work. I really want my hair to grow, Mtg? what is that were do I get it? What vitamins to use..Please help me with a regimine!!
Biotin is an all purpose vitamin that will help your skin, nails and hair. I am 4a/b too and stretching is hard at first. You have got to find cute hair accessories, flowers, clips, bands to jazz up your look. Switch the position of your ponytail every now and again.

I like profective breakfree and elasta qp glaze for buns and ponytails. Get a couple of phony ponies, one straight and one curly to start with. Then add to your collection. Variety is the spice of life!

Try out a few products at a time so you'll know what's really working. If you try 50-11 things at the same time, how do you know whats successful. Start with cheapie products first, and work your way up to the more expensive ones. That way, you won't be out of money and you will have an idea of what type of things your hair likes.

I have MTG and I couldn't get over the smell so I haven't used it consistently. It's sitting in my linen closet.

ETA coconut oil (ebay) will give you the brightest shine ever. Oh, check ebay for good prices on hard to find products!
Vixen17 said:
Hi Ladies,

Thank you for even looking at this thread.

Ok I need some expert advice( you ladies of course)...I have 4a.4b hair/relaxed...I stretched for 11 weeks before..I just don't do anything with it. I dont know what products to use and I dont have a regimine. I find myself getting up puttin on a head band and pinning it under...EVERYDAY! I'm so boring!

I need to get some body and sheen into my hair. I need to know what products work. I really want my hair to grow, Mtg? what is that were do I get it? What vitamins to use..Please help me with a regimine!!

Did you check out the Sticky 'A Newcomer's Guide to Starting Out' ? That really helped me outas there is a lot of great info there! Would you say your hair is healthy? Do you have much breakage or anything like that?
Here is some key things you should remember:
1- protein (inside and out)
2- moisture
3- vitamins
4- protective styling
5- healthy eating

I am still learning but you should think of these things when you create your regimen.