Is anyone watching what not to wear now?(RANT!!!!)


Well-Known Member
They have this cute black girl,she's in high school and nominated herself, really cute girl with a nice body. She has relaxed hair, damaged, she says she just puts it back in a small ponytail. Well, Nick had another stylist relax her hair, YOU SHOULD HAVE SEEN THE OVERLAPPING! :eek: and then, SHE APPLIED COLOR!!:eek: WAIT, NOT FINISHED, they didn't show if they applied deep conditioner or or any heat protectant, Nick blowed out her hair WET , and then flat ironed it, and he said as smoke rose from her hair and the flat iron" when you see smoke it's not your hair , it's the products evaporating":mad: :mad:
I am sooo mad, her hair was looked nice but without any body to it, she could have benefitted from a rollerset and deep conditioning first if he was going to flat iron her hair. Nick has lost all my respect and they charge over 400 at his salon!
all I have to say is thank you LHCF because a year ago I would have seen that show and only focused on the final result wihtout looking at al the damage they were causing to her hair
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I am a huge fan of the show (I catch it when I'm not out and about)....but I didn't see that particular episode. I always wondered why I never see any brown sista on there......I guess we now know why.
Those shows really get to me. I saw on a recent episode of "How do I look?" there was a black girl they were making over with gorgeous natural hair that was probably a 2c type, nice and wavy, totally managable, it looked like it would only require a little heat to straighten. So what did they do to her? Slap a perm on her head. Yikes. :mad:
Priestess said:
Those shows really get to me. I saw on a recent episode of "How do I look?" there was a black girl they were making over with gorgeous natural hair that was probably a 2c type, nice and wavy, totally managable, it looked like it would only require a little heat to straighten. So what did they do to her? Slap a perm on her head. Yikes. :mad:

i know, i know... if it makes you feel any better, they did the same thing to a white girl i saw on the show once. she had big frizzy 3b-3cish hair... all she needed was a good deep condition and the right moisturizing or defining products.

and of course, they relaxed her hair too... textured hair gets no love on these makeover shows...:perplexed
ladylibra said:
i know, i know... if it makes you feel any better, they did the same thing to a white girl i saw on the show once. she had big frizzy 3b-3cish hair... all she needed was a good deep condition and the right moisturizing or defining products.

and of course, they relaxed her hair too... textured hair gets no love on these makeover shows...:perplexed

Wow, that's just crazy. And forget it if someone has long hair, it's snip snip. :eek: :nono:

Between the chemicals and the cuts it's just not good. :ohwell:
the 3 general rules i've noticed on makeover shows:

1) if your hair is long, we will cut it.
2) if your hair is textured, we will straighten it
3) we will color your hair no matter what! :lachen:
lol that's one reason I don't watch these shows. They wreck healthy hair (really how many people are able to maintain some of these styles at home) and put everyone in hooch gear (show more boobs, more bunz, and more legs! That's our motto!!!) I just hate these shows...... especially when they get mean and catty (pardon the expression) about someone's personal style.
Well, I did see an episode with a latina and he kept her hair curly and it was gorgeous. I didn't see this episode, and Nick is normally really good about hair care so I must say, even I am shocked. With that being said, it just stresses how important it is to speak up to your stylist when they are doing something to your hair that you don't agree with.
I saw the show today. I thought that was funny what nick said about the "products evaporating". Yeah right!! If that was me, I would have got out of that chair so fast. That show always makes me nervous when someone with textured hair comes on the show. I just can't bear to watch how they are going to mess up their hair. I'll never forget when a lady with natural hair (about 4a) came on the show. When Nick did her hair, it was looking a mess!! The funny thing is the Nick is a professional. He needs to learn how to deal with hair that isn't straight.
damn. That sounds like a complete nightmare. Thats one reason why i dont go to hair stylists anymore. They dont deep condition my hair long enough and use too much heat.

If you are going to flat iron you shouldnt have to blow dry it first. Rollersetting/wrapping/airdrying than flat ironing is better. If I do blow dry my hair straight I wont flat iron it at all.