Is that your real hair? How you get it like that?


Active Member
Do people ask "is that your real hair"? :sekret: :notworthy
What's the one or two things you've changed in your hair regimen, thanks to LHCF, that is is helping you to acheive healthy hair and maintain length?
I feel like such a shocked and surprised joker because I can actually respond to this thread! I wore my hair out to church for the first time last Sunday and folks asked similar questions.... I said it was my hair.... a couple of folks knew that I had been transitioning out of my relaxer, which I started September 16, a year later, voila! It was weird.... Now I'm rocking my afro curly fro and I feel SO FREE!!!
A couple of people have asked me if that's my real hair. I usually wear buns or phonies to work. This particular day I'd rollerset and wore it half up and half down. Anyway, a co-worker/friend came over to me and in a hushed voiced told me how real it looks. :huh: It is real, then I did the white girl toss to prove it. :D

I have changed almost everything I do with my hair since LHCF. If I had to pick two things I'd pick the two I've been doing the longest; no brushing and C&G.
LOL This morning at the gym I had a lady ask me this question. I usually wear my hair pulled back while I'm at the gym. This morning I had it pulled back, but when I was done I went into the bathroom and let it down. As I'm getting a drink from the water fountain, on my way out, she quietly walks up to me and ask, "Is that your real hair". I told her yes and she seemed really shocked. She told me that it looked like I had "white girl hair, because you can run my fingers through it and it goes back to the same place it was before." At first I didnt know if she was serious or playing. So I just kinda smiled and said, "Thank you, I guess". Now this lady sees me in the gym all the time, and when I speak to her she just smiles never says hi back. So I almost felt like she was out of place to ask me a question like this.

But washing my hair every week has had such a positive affect on my hair. Which I totally credit this board for even knowing about it. That and using oils (olive oil, almond oil, T-tree oil) instead of heavier hair lotions and all that other stuff.