Is there ANY way to combat frizz without chemical??


Well-Known Member
I lurve my natural texture, really I do.... but I'd love it more if it wasn't so frizzy!! My roots turn into a cloud while my ends hang nicely, and my edges are very, very rough.... nothing helps. I've tried no product, tons of product, just enough product... I've tried gel, grease, mouse, cream.... I've considered a perm but I like MY texture.... just not the frizz that comes with it.

And for those who are coming in here just to say 'that's part of being natural, deal with it' then here you are: _/. Not in the mood. :look:

I see ladies who have what looks a LOT like my texture all the time, but it's less frizzy and it looks amazing. Then I get all jealous. I don't know my hair type. I think it's probably a unicorn type, because it's like 4A but not. It's silky in some places and cottony everywhere else. It has curls like springs (those are the silky ones) and then waves that are very, very cottony. And then it has like 4c edges, just because life wants me to suffer. :perplexed

Any help is welcomed!!