Ladies How Much "Time" Do You Put Into Your Hair Dailey?

How much time and effort do you spend on your hair?

  • Less than 15 minutes a day

    Votes: 172 63.9%
  • 20-30 minutes a day

    Votes: 60 22.3%
  • 30 min-1hr a day

    Votes: 25 9.3%
  • 1-2hrs a day

    Votes: 8 3.0%
  • I don't spend anytime with my hair

    Votes: 4 1.5%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
I'm a less than 15 min girl also. My natural hair is usually in one to three braids, and those are put in a bun in the morning. I add a little conditioner and oil, and that's it.
Since I cowash my hair while I shower I won't count that time. It takes me about 5 minutes to styles my hair (this includes putting in leave-in conditioner, moisturizer, sealing with oil and putting it in a puff.
The majority of the time I put into my hair is on wash day, other than that - I just spritz with my mister, apply either a lite layer of coconut oil or conditioner and then tuck back into whatever updo i decide I'll wear for the day - very low maintenance:yep:.
I spend well under 15 minutes on my hair daily.

For my daily style I usually were this updo and it takes less than 1 minute. I do not moisturize daily (although I add a bit of coconut oil for shine). I use lots of cones on wash day but I do try to add some olive cream to my scalp at least once mid-week. Now that I am comfortable with my products, my plan is to wash only once a week for a while (Sundays or Mondays) and rollerset....but still moisturize my scalp at least mid-week.

Wash day is about 2 hours which includes a 30 minute dc with heat and about 50 minutes to dry plus roller setting time.
Daily, I spend very little time on my hair. Less than 15 minutes.

On a full wash day, it can be 2-4 hours.
i'm one of the lucky ones. on a daily basis my hair takes maybe 5 min. i put it in a bun and go

on wash days i it takes like 10 min to wash (if that, my shower is like 30min and i swear 15 of it is spent shivering trying to wake up and enjoying the water lol). then another 5min applying all my prods. then i let it air dry and do its thing.

the only exception is when i dc or roller set. but those are blue moon type things so i dont count that.

my hair thrives on being ignored really lol, plus, i'm a bunner. not to hard when you bun every day but saturday lol
I'm including everything from applying shampoo/condish, washing, etc. and so I'd say about 30 total. This 30 can be divided up two ways. 10 of it is almost always usually me pre-shower putting in my shampoo or conditioner and then washing it out. Next possible 10 is me drying lightly with towel, combing through a bit, applying my moisturizer and oil, then tossing it up lazily into some type of crappy pony/bun/combo. The last 10 minutes would be the next day (morning) or just many, many hours later when I'm not lazy anymore, and that would be me neatly brushing my hair into a bun good enough and presentable enough for work. This takes 10 minutes because usually I am not satisfied the first time (rarely am I, lol), and so I normally end up redoing the bun once or even twice.

The other way that 30 can be divided up is again 10 for the pre-shower/during shower shampoo or conditioner applying/washing/etc., all that, and then the next 20 is basically me drying lightly via towel, combing and brushing, applying a little moisturizer and oil, AND putting my hair up into a secure bun good enough for work the next morning (this is usually when I work really early and don't feel like doing my hair at 4 am, and so waking up with it done gives me an extra couple minutes of sleep.....which sooooo matters I tell ya!). I then wrap and wake up the next morning good to go, though I'll usually put some more moisturizer and oil just to last the day.

So on an average day about 30 minutes total....which I don't think is much. Especially considering I am slow and not a hair person at all, lol, and my hair is so thick and what not.
Non wash days I spend about 10-15 min a day. Typically moisturize, seal, maybe apply castor oil or mega tek, brush or comb and that's it. On wash days it's hours w all the cleasning, conditioning, DCing, leave ins, etc.
Wash day: 3.5 hours
daily: 5 minutes majority of the time; 15-ish minutes if I am wearing a braid-out or twist-out that week
Usually about 10 minutes to moisturize, seal and put into a bun, 5 if its a wash n go. On wash day about 2 hrs. If i'm pressed for time I sometimes pre-poo or DC overnight.
wash day is one to two hours....but on a "reg" day it's less than 15 minutes.

my current daily regimen is to braid my hair and wear a protective style. so daily i moisturize and seal my hairline and keep it moving.
Usually I take my cap off and go. If feeling like being creative, I may take a minute to put my extensions up. Or I might undo the cornrows that it took me 2 mins to put in the last time I washed and wear it down. The only time I might take long on my hair are wash days, and that's if I am DCing as well. Otherwise, wash, condition, ACV rinse doesn't take me more than 10 mins. DC days I might take up to 20 or 30 mins.

When it comes to haircare, I think I win the cup on laziness.
I'm with everyone else. 15 mins on a non wash day, an hr on a wash day, and maybe up to 2-3 hrs if I straighten or set it.
I voted 20 to 30 mins.. iono why, cause it honestly depends on whats goin with my hair Right now i'm in kinkys.. less then 5 mins... If it's a wash/Rake n shake type of day..20-30 mins..2nd 3rd, sometimes 4th day after that..Less then 5. .If it's a braid out/fro type of day..5-10min between unbraiding and fluffin and stuff.. just depends..
i voted less than 15 mintues i wear a bun most of the week, now on wash day that is a whole different story.
Oh my... daily, less than 5 minutes :lol:
I didn't realize how much time and effort people really put into their hair until I spoke to a few people at a meetup. Daily, really all I do is brush it back and go. I don't have a style at all and I would def like to change this. I just bought some flexi rods today so I plan to start using those often. I really would like to do more things w/ my hair.

On wash day, I wash and deep condition and sometimes I will rollerset. Sometimes at night I will prepoo w/ coconut oil and sleep w/ it on my head. However, I have not been big on rollersetting since I started to exercise and frequently will condition wash afterwards. When I co wash, I will either take a blow dryer to the roots and make sure my head is like 50% dry to prevent catching a cold or since it's summertime, if wash or cowash during the day, I will let my hair air dry in a bun. I almost never ever flat iron my hair, but if I'm going out and want a sleek look I will rollerset and flat iron and that mess takes time. 20 min to rollerset, about 50 min to dry, and I will swipe each rolled section w/ the flat iron... Honestly, i'd rather just run to the dominicans and get a wash and set and let them blow the roots.... Just spend the $25 instead of all that time on my hair.
Around 15 minutes in the morning to co-wash or rinse and wet bun and 10-15 in the evenings to apply oils, moisturize, and braid it up for the night.
Depending on the day I'd say 10 to 40 minutes.
If it's a cowash day it's closer to 40
If not it's more like 5-10
When it's 'hair day' I'd say 3-6 hrs which includes washing/cconditioning/detangling/leave-in etc. Also me re-braiding my hair.

Now, the rest of the week, less than 5min, if that. A few sprays of my leave in, scurl, EVCO smoothed over..I'm good to go!
Daily? :S
when it's in twists, I just unwrap my headscarf, spritz and go. Less than a minute.

When I wear puffs, about 3 minutes or so because I'm anal about getting it just right and take it down waaayy too many times. I just brush it up, take my stocking leg, tie it up and I'm DONE.

The whole wash process takes about half hour. Add an hour to that if I twist it up for a week. I don't spend much time on my hair. I've found spending an hour and a half on Sunday to wash/twist up for the week is worth it!

Didn't know people spend so much time on their hair! Even when relaxed, I'd unwrap and go!
Anywhere from 15 minutes to 6 hours, depending on whether or not I am simply cowashing or hendigo'ing my hair. My henna days I try to prepare for mentally and make sure I have the time to complete the whole process which includes prepooing and deep conditioning. I find that hennaing overnight saves me a tremendous amount of this time however, chops it down to about 3 hours.
About 10 minutes a day. This includes morning and evening routine. On the weekends an hour (either on Saturday or Sunday) when I shampoo and DC, detangle and moisturize.
i voted less than 15 minutes. i usually moisturize, seal, traditional wrap or cross-wrap at night. morning i unwrap, comb, spritz with leave-in conditioner spray (sometimes), and go. i will try to master the art of bunning very soon to see if i can master that to help with length retention.