Ladies who ask for help


New Member
but don't use it. Would you continue to help her? I have a co-worker who is natural and has beautiful hair, however it's always dry. She asked me how do you keep your hair from looking and feeling dry? So I told her I moisturize and seal my hair everynight before going to bed and cover it with a satin cap, then I moisturize and seal in the morning. This chick said she doesn't sleep with a satin cap on, so I told her that she needed to sleep in a cap or get satin pillowcases. She didn't do neither and her hair still looks dry as heck, but don't ask me questions and then don't take advice. I feel like I'm wasting my time with you.


My 13yr old Men
You did your part and gave her the advice she needed. Let it go and move on. If she ever ask again I would just tell her that she didnt use the advice the first time and you feel like you are wasting your time and hers.

I am sorry but that is all I can say.


Well-Known Member
Oh man I hate that too

I've seen people IRL and online that ask for advice, then do whatever they want... then have the nerve to complain about their hair. I think people really want you to say "I sprinkle magic oils on my hair and it magically wakes up looking like Alicia Keys' hair" LMAO