Love thy enemy


Think Slim
How do you do it?

I know, without doubt that I'm a good person, but I have a huge problem letting go, letting God and loving my enemy.

Please share how you are able to do this, because this a very big hurdle that I'd like to overcome.
Do you have Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. If you read it, by middle of the book, I guarantee you will be less stressed. You will still have issues in your life, and things will upset you, but not as bad and your problems will not affect you as much. You should be able more clearly about how to resolve your issues instead of stressing about them. It takes about 15 minutes a day, you are suppose to read it over a 40 day period.
Thanks Bev. I have been meaning to purchase that book and need to add this to my list of things that MUST be done.
webby said:
Thanks Bev. I have been meaning to purchase that book and need to add this to my list of things that MUST be done.
It takes power from God; you cannot do this on your own. Some people have done really bad things to others but God allowed those things to happen. He uses the good, the bad, and the ugly things about our lives to bless us. Your blessing can be locked up in your ability to let go and move on. Do not try to figure this out about God it is a mystery just trust that He is too wise to make a mistake. For me fasting and praying at least once a week about issues has helped me a great deal. It has helped me move from the problem to the problem solver who is God. This is a process and God looks at the heart. The very fact that your seeking help shows God you want to be free from this. During our fasting I will specifically ask God about this for you. Remember attitude determines altitude. God does not just look at the action but the attitude we have about things.
I've found fasting especially helpful in the past. Fasting works well for releasing strongholds in your life. Remember when you fast, you must do it with continual scripture and prayer, otherwise you are just dieting. Fasting should be done with water at least, but there are several types of fast, when you give up certain foods, all foods with water, all juices no food, etc. You will be very weak if you havent done a normal fast before (no food). I suggest starting to do a normal fast for 24 hours if this is your first time, then going into 2 day fast the next time, etc. And dont binge right after it could make you sick.

The bible says some things (spirits) can't be released except through a FAST and a prayer, because certain things are so powerful they dont want to let go of your spirit.

Matthew 17:21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.
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beverly said:
Do you have Purpose Driven Life, by Rick Warren. If you read it, by middle of the book, I guarantee you will be less stressed. You will still have issues in your life, and things will upset you, but not as bad and your problems will not affect you as much. You should be able more clearly about how to resolve your issues instead of stressing about them. It takes about 15 minutes a day, you are suppose to read it over a 40 day period.

I was just about to post this book Beverly. It is a fantastic read and has helped me out a lot. :up:

Webby, this is the scripture that helped me through the murder of my Uncle:

Matthew 6:14 - For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you;

At first this man was my only enemy.:nono: How could a person take the life of another human being...over a parking space?? :cry3: I had to forgive the man who killed my Uncle. But I'm gonna keep it real and say that I couldn't do it right away, I was too busy :swearing:at him!! But I knew what I had to do which was to leave these things in God's hands and let Him handle it. ;)
sugaplum said:
I was just about to post this book Beverly. It is a fantastic read and has helped me out a lot. :up:

Webby, this is the scripture that helped me through the murder of my Uncle:

Matthew 6:14 - For if you forgive men their trespasses, your heavenly Father also will forgive you;

At first this man was my only enemy.:nono: How could a person take the life of another human being...over a parking space?? :cry3: I had to forgive the man who killed my Uncle. But I'm gonna keep it real and say that I couldn't do it right away, I was too busy :swearing:at him!! But I knew what I had to do which was to leave these things in God's hands and let Him handle it. ;)
Thank you all for your wonderful, helpful responses.

Suga, I especially thank you, because I have often wondered if I would have the ability to forgive, as Christ forgives, should someone in my family be murdered. Thank you so much for sharing your story, as well as that scripture. He definitely wanted me to hear those words today.

webby said:
Thank you all for your wonderful, helpful responses.

Suga, I especially thank you, because I have often wondered if I would have the ability to forgive, as Christ forgives, should someone in my family be murdered. Thank you so much for sharing your story, as well as that scripture. He definitely wanted me to hear those words today.


What a blessing to hear this. :angel: You're welcome sista. :)
I agree. This is why I always say fasting and praying together. We are doing a fasting and prayer team effort. Everyone must go to God about specific instructions and I will posting info for others to read about it. In addtion, there are tons of info on this suject on the web. Lastly fasting and prayer gives you favor like in Esther's situation. It helps in many ways. :)
beverly said:
I've found fasting especially helpful in the past. Fasting works well for releasing strongholds in your life. Remember when you fast, you must do it with continual scripture and prayer, otherwise you are just dieting. Fasting should be done with water at least, but there are several types of fast, when you give up certain foods, all foods with water, all juices no food, etc. You will be very weak if you havent done a normal fast before (no food). I suggest starting to do a normal fast for 24 hours if this is your first time, then going into 2 day fast the next time, etc. And dont binge right after it could make you sick.

The bible says some things (spirits) can't be released except through a FAST and a prayer, because certain things are so powerful they dont want to let go of your spirit.

Matthew 17:21 But this kind does not go out except by prayer and fasting.