My hair is starting to break off!


New Member
For the past six months I've been having tremendous hair success , until NOW. A week ago, I went to my allergist complaining of various symptoms and he advised me to take two weeks off from any supplements until we can figure out whether they are causing my problems. Well, all of the sudden I'm noticing broken off pieces of hair when I comb, and style my hair. I'm doing everything else the same. I'm going to do an Aphogee treatment today, but I was wondering if stopping my vits could have an effect that quickly. any advice would be appreciated. My hair had been really growing and I don't want it to start breaking now.


Well-Known Member
Maybe it could be the vitamins. Then again (depending on where you live), it could be the change of weather.


Chero-Khoi American
I have no idea what's up with that, but you know how the body doesn't like sudden changes? Maybe that's it. Sorry. I wish I could be more helpful. Do you still drink a lot of water?


New Member
I have to agree with the last poster. Abrupt changes internally can upset your body. If you've been on the vits faithfully for 6 months and have just suddenly stopped, that could be the very reason. It's like being a caffeine addict for months and then suddenly stopping. That can cause major caffeine withdrawal!


I agree with Allandra. It could be the change in seasons.

Can you start taking half the daily dose of a multi-vitamin only? I can not imagine how taking this could have any adverse reaction. Just my thoughts.

Lets us know what happens.


New Member
Ditto on the change in weather thing. I'm not inclined to think that it's the lack of vitamins. This might be the answer if your hair is breaking off at the root or shedding, but vitamins only affect the health of new growth (and the growth acheived while you were taking them), so I don't think your hair would start breaking off down the length from skipping a few doses.

Hopefully, your protein treatment and some TLC will stop the breakage.


Well-Known Member
I don't know if this will help your situation but when my hair is shedding I find that I'm not taking my calcium regularly. Calcium doesn't make anything grow but it makes things stronger like my hair and nails. I always see a difference when do and don't take it.


New Member
When my hair sheds, and my products and regime didn't change, it usually means I didn't take my iron supplements. Sometimes it means I haven't been taking my B complex vitamins.


With Love & Silk
It seems to be a shedding season for many of us. And if it happens to be the fact that you're off your vitamins right now, consider it a mixed blessing. You don't want your hair health to become totally "dependent" on the vitamins.

Good Luck To Ya!


New Member
Supergirl said:
It seems to be a shedding season for many of us.

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I'll say! I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have any hair left on my head by December!


Hair Coach
pebbles said:
Supergirl said:
It seems to be a shedding season for many of us.

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I'll say! I'm beginning to wonder if I'll have any hair left on my head by December!

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Hair Coach
Yeah, Pebbles I have noticed that I am shedding 3x's more hair than usual. So I just had to braid it back up for the winter! Man I should have some massive growth by next year, especially if I keep taking these vits.


New Member
I'm experiencing major shedding as well. Thankfully I see the bulbs at the end, but gee-whiz can I have some hair stay on my head!


New Member
dontspeakdefeat said:
Supergirl said:
My doggie is shedding right now too if it makes anybody feel better

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Ya know!!


New Member
I feel the same guys....


The thing is I was REALLY mean to mine for about 2 weeks or so and now I'm not sure if it's that now or just the shedding.

It did start shedding a month or so before I was mean to it I'm hoping it's just my usual seasonal thing.



New Member
Supergirl said:
My doggie is shedding right now too if it makes anybody feel better

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So your doggie's got the sheds. I know that's hard on you furniture.