My new growth is sooo soft?


New Member
I don't know what it is that's making my new growth so soft, but it is!
I'm thinking maybe it's the Kerastase, but I didn't even use it in my last wash. Maybe it's the carrot juice that I'm drinking everyday, but I thought that just made your hair grow thicker not softer. Whatever it is I'm not complaining about it, but I am having a major case of what Hairlove would call hand in hair disease!
I just keep touching my newgrowth!
Hi There, Ms. Kenesha!

It was a pleasure meeting you last Saturday. Wow, you got me wanting to try that! And I'm a recoving PJ in desperate need of the 12 step program. So, I won't do it. I can't do it
I'm on the product challenge, so I'll have to wait 'til after the new year. You'll just have to keep us posted on your progress...

Good luck and congratulations!
Hey ms k, I'll bet the carrots have something to do with it. I use to eat 3lbs of carrots in a two day period...yes, that's a lot of carrots, but they are my favorite thing to eat. Up until a year ago, that's hwo often I ate carrots. As a result, my hair not only grew it was so thick. However, my sister, who is a nurse, teased me because my eating so many carrots had made my skin orage. I felt paranoid, so I stopped eating them...well, not so much. Well my hair wasn't as think or soft as it was then..until I became part of this forum. It still isnt' exactly the same but it feels pretty good. Keep with the carrot juice. I still eat baby carrots almost everyday, but only a few...hmmm, maybe I should go back to eating them as before. Nothing wrong with a little "orange" in my life
Cybra, I love carrots, too. It's so much easier to drink them though!
The brand of carrot juice I've got is called Odwalla and it was on sale for 2 bottles for $9.00
the bottles are 1/2 gallon bottles. And I'll be finishing up a bottle this evening. I love the way it tastes, fresh, sweet, and faintly carrot-y!

Lover, it was so nice meeting you too. Come on get some carrot juice it's not technically a product it's for your health