Natural laxers and other useful info...


New Member
Okay, y'all have turned me into a hair products junkie!!!:spinning: But I was browsing the Net (looking for a nice caring hair salon!!!) and found a great informative website (that I've already spent too much time on!!). I wanted to share it with you all. Forgive me if this site has been posted before as I'm still a newbie (smile!). But it was really helpful for me. Enjoy!

BTW...I'm thinking about trying out their natural relaxer when(ever) I do my next relaxer. Has anyone ever heard of it? It's called Natural-laxer by Treasured Locks.
Welcome Ivy!
I have never tried the treasured locks naturalaxer but i tried the one from African Wonders (only sold on-line, that name brand might be smthg else in stores). It was the worse thing i've ever done to my hair. I've posted about it a couple times. Im not sure if the one ur speaking of is different but pls be cautious - no relaxer is natural except that lime/coconut thing they have on the recipes forum.

Thanks for the link :)
Thanks, I'm really curious about it but I will definitely do more research and check around first before buying it.
Welcome Ivy! I know that there are quite a few posts and Youtube vids about this product. A google search will help ......
