No oils? Need help with my transitioning regimen please


Well-Known Member
I'm trying to transition and have been struggling to come up with the right products and regimen to make it through this transition. The only products that I was certain about are the following:

Pre-poo-- castor oil (I love this especially before using my Head and Shoulders shampoo)
Shampoo-- Head and Shoulders , Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo
Conditioner-- jury is still out-- I like Keracare Humecto but the last two times I used it, it seemed like my hair wasn't responding-- not sure yet.
Leave in conditioners-- still working on this
Sealers-castor oil and apricot oil (to follow my nonexistent moisturizer lol)

Anyway--The dermatologist I saw yesterday gave me a paper with a scalp regimen for "seborrheic dermatitis with associated hair breakage"). Here is my major concern:
"Do not use Oil, Grease or Vaseline products to style hair. Instead look for products that are Silicone based; they must have any of these ingredients: SILICONE, METHICONE, CYLOMETHICONE or any derivatives..." Note: this is exactly how it is written on my paper--capitalization and spelling errors included.

What? I just started adding oils to my conditioner and use oil as my prepoo. I'm not completely sure about this scalp regimen :nono: and I feel like this is the exact opposite of everythng transitioners/naturals believe in. But DH pointed out, that I need hair in order to actually go natural, lol.:lol: So I figure I'd try to comply just in case she knows what she's talking about.

What products can you recommend to help me continue my transition. I was already struggling with my hair and regimen before this, and now I'm just lost. :sad:
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First I gotta warn you, I just say whatever I think and sometimes I'm way off. I might make that my sigi :lol:

I wonder if sealing with serums, since vaseline and oils are off limits, is a good possibility. I mean it sounds like you could do your leave in and then take a few drops of biosilk and seal...that actually sounds kinda nice (I wonder how my hair would feel if I did that). Of course you would have to clarify more often. Well hope that helps or sparks a better idea.
You could put the oils only on your hair and cones on your scalp. ..

I told them I don't put oils on my scalp and asked why couldn't I just put the oil on the ends of my hair. The answer was because the oils can still get on your scalp when you wrap your hair and .... I think I stopped listening there. :look:

Yes, that was VERY helpful. Thanks for sharing.

First I gotta warn you, I just say whatever I think and sometimes I'm way off. I might make that my sigi :lol:

I wonder if sealing with serums, since vaseline and oils are off limits, is a good possibility. I mean it sounds like you could do your leave in and then take a few drops of biosilk and seal...that actually sounds kinda nice (I wonder how my hair would feel if I did that). Of course you would have to clarify more often. Well hope that helps or sparks a better idea.

This sounds good and was very helpful. Thanks for taking the time to post your idea. I guess its just a matter of finding the right serum or cone-based product.

Thanks everyone for your input. I'm just overwhelmed by dry hair, itchy scalp, trying to transition, hair breakage, hair loss, looking a hot mess most of the time and this regimen just has me over the top. And that's just hair issues! :lol:
I have to say I'm right there with ya with learning my hair. We are quite close in our transitions, and I'll let you know if I figure something out to combat the dryness with cones. Good luck!
I'm trying to transition and have been struggling to come up with the right products and regimen to make it through this transition. The only products that I was certain about are the following:

Pre-poo-- castor oil (I love this especially before using my Head and Shoulders shampoo)
Shampoo-- Head and Shoulders , Keracare Hydrating Detangling Shampoo
Conditioner-- jury is still out-- I like Keracare Humecto but the last two times I used it, it seemed like my hair wasn't responding-- not sure yet.
Leave in conditioners-- still working on this
Sealers-castor oil and apricot oil (to follow my nonexistent moisturizer lol)

Anyway--The dermatologist I saw yesterday gave me a paper with a scalp regimen for "seborrheic dermatitis with associated hair breakage"). Here is my major concern:
"Do not use Oil, Grease or Vaseline products to style hair. Instead look for products that are Silicone based; they must have any of these ingredients: SILICONE, METHICONE, CYLOMETHICONE or any derivatives..." Note: this is exactly how it is written on my paper--capitalization and spelling errors included.

What? I just started adding oils to my conditioner and use oil as my prepoo. I'm not completely sure about this scalp regimen :nono: and I feel like this is the exact opposite of everythng transitioners/naturals believe in. But DH pointed out, that I need hair in order to actually go natural, lol.:lol: So I figure I'd try to comply just in case she knows what she's talking about.

What products can you recommend to help me continue my transition. I was already struggling with my hair and regimen before this, and now I'm just lost. :sad:

The no oils movement was big just a few years ago. You should be able to find threads about it if you use the search function here or use google. LOL at your DH. I like his sense of humor and he makes a good point. There are a lot of people enjoying oils here now but they're not essentials. I use a little oil now but I also went for about 5 years not using oil and my hair was fine. So if your derm says need to do without them for a while then I think you should try it.
Tiye Thanks so much. Having been away from the boards for a while, I had no idea there was a no-oils movement.

It makes sense bc I'm sure there are many who don't use oils at all except to cook. Using oil seems like the norm but perhaps the oil lovers are the minority-never considered that having been on hair boards over 10 years.
I'm sorry, but I just cannot see how using SILICONES on your scalp is GOOD FOR YOU! I have gone to some of the top dermatologists in the industry over the years and have been told things that aren't entirely true. Most doctors are not into natural remedies or solving the underlying problem, they just try to fix the symptoms.

Years ago, I had dermatologists tell me that there was no correlation between my acne and certain foods. Sorry, but that was just not true. Chocolate, greasy foods and dairy are acne triggers for me. Once I cut those out (or only consumed in small quantities), major breakouts ended.

I can see not using mineral oils or vaseline on your scalp as those block your pores, but an oil like Jojoba oil which is so similar to your natural sebum? How could that be bad? I know from experience that silicones DO DRY YOUR HAIR OUT after a period of time.

Listen hun. I don't like oily or greasy hair so for years I did my best to get the most out of conditioners and leave-ins. Motions has a conditioner with Silicone and that changed my life. I told my cousion who was natural and had difficulties with detangling and she's still thanking me. A good lather up with that and the comb slide right through.

I don't think the silicone was recommended for the scalp but to prevent breakage of the hair. Trust me it a well kept secret and a LIFE CHANGER. It says 'with silicone' on the front.
I'm sorry, but I just cannot see how using SILICONES on your scalp is GOOD FOR YOU! I have gone to some of the top dermatologists in the industry over the years and have been told things that aren't entirely true. Most doctors are not into natural remedies or solving the underlying problem, they just try to fix the symptoms.

Years ago, I had dermatologists tell me that there was no correlation between my acne and certain foods. Sorry, but that was just not true. Chocolate, greasy foods and dairy are acne triggers for me. Once I cut those out (or only consumed in small quantities), major breakouts ended.

I can see not using mineral oils or vaseline on your scalp as those block your pores, but an oil like Jojoba oil which is so similar to your natural sebum? How could that be bad? I know from experience that silicones DO DRY YOUR HAIR OUT after a period of time.

@BlkMane Thanks for responding. I don't plan on putting any cones on my scalp. I don't even put oils on my scalp. When I prepoo, some gets on my scalp but I don't intentionally put any on my scalp.

I hope that cones don't end up drying up my hair out as well because I have enough issues with this hair of mine.


Listen hun. I don't like oily or greasy hair so for years I did my best to get the most out of conditioners and leave-ins. Motions has a conditioner with Silicone and that changed my life. I told my cousion who was natural and had difficulties with detangling and she's still thanking me. A good lather up with that and the comb slide right through.

I don't think the silicone was recommended for the scalp but to prevent breakage of the hair. Trust me it a well kept secret and a LIFE CHANGER. It says 'with silicone' on the front.

braidqueen I have seen that conditioner and may have even tried it but really can;t remember. Thanks for the recommendation. I'll look into it as soon as I use up some of these conditioners I have lying around. :look: