Not combing = Retention


Well-Known Member
Well, at least for me it does. I have purposely been keeping the comb out of my head for a while and I've noticed that for one, my hair is not tangled(I'm relaxed so I'm sure that plays a part) But also I noticed that my hair doesn't have as many split ends as I use to have and also that I've actually been able to record some retention of my ends. I have been either roller setting or twist setting my hair so that all I have to do is to finger comb and move it into place when needed.
I do still have what looks like a ton of shedidng to me, but I guess since I haven't officially combed my hair since last Sunday, that is to be expected.

Has anyone made it to the elusive full APL by keeping the comb out of your hair?
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Re: Not coming = Retention

I'm nowhere near APL, but I've seen retention from no combing.

There aren't as many hairs on my shirt... or on the floor... or on the pillow.
Re: Not coming = Retention

I think so.

I get so much breakage from combing my roots while I style my hair on wash days when I am 5 weeks post and on.

When I am done doing straigtening my hair I can tell that combing is just breaking it off at demarcation.

I need to find anthoner solution.

But, once my hair is straightened and moisturized, I can gently comb mid shampoo week without a problem.

But on wash days - :nono: It is bad.
Re: Not coming = Retention

I definitely credit my retention with no combing. I only comb on wash day now, and split ends are no longer a chronic problem. Now that I'm trying to reach MBL, I'm stepping it up on my combs by investing in some seamless ones for my wash days. I don't want any hindrances that will prevent me from reaching my goals on time. :)
Re: Not coming = Retention

I'm definitely seeing benefits from low-combing. I try to only comb my hair on my wash days with my wide-toothed comb with conditioner (instead of every day with a fine tooth).
Re: Not coming = Retention

Only combing once a week (on wash day) has definitely been a huge reason I was able to make BSL.
Re: Not coming = Retention

Tried it but on wash day, double the amount of hair came out.

I figure if hair is gonna shed, then its gonna shed whether i help it along with a comb or not.
Re: Not coming = Retention

Definitely! I comb my hair once a week - no more, and I can see a HUGE difference from when I was combing daily/every other day - my hair didn't 'grow' at all, then! :yep:
Re: Not coming = Retention

I definitely credit my retention with no combing. I only comb on wash day now, and split ends are no longer a chronic problem. Now that I'm trying to reach MBL, I'm stepping it up on my combs by investing in some seamless ones for my wash days. I don't want any hindrances that will prevent me from reaching my goals on time. :)

where do you find seamless combs? Is there a certain brand?
Re: Not coming = Retention

I credit no combing with my hair being thicker and longer. I'm about an inch below APL now and no combing has definitely helped my hair.
Re: Not coming = Retention

where do you find seamless combs? Is there a certain brand?

My seamless combs are Mason Pearsons - expensive as all get out as they are hand cut, but perfectly seamless, and super sturdy - I love them! :infatuated: I've heard that there are some other seamless combs, but the bone/ horn combs that I've owned have split when exposed repeatedly to moisture, and the ones I've seen online seem to be seamfree, but they look like they have wicked sharp edges.
Re: Not coming = Retention

I co-sign.

For some the no combing thing works, for others not so well. I dont comb often, maybe twice a week. Some can go 2 weeks. I know if I did that, what I didnt lose in those 2 weeks I will lose when I detangle plus more from matted hair.

No combing=a broken, tangled mess for me!
Now that I am at 22 weeks it is getting harder and harder to comb my hair so I just comb it on my wash days. I just either do a braid out, bun, or a braid pin up my hair.
Re: Not coming = Retention

My seamless combs are Mason Pearsons - expensive as all get out as they are hand cut, but perfectly seamless, and super sturdy - I love them! :infatuated: I've heard that there are some other seamless combs, but the bone/ horn combs that I've owned have split when exposed repeatedly to moisture, and the ones I've seen online seem to be seamfree, but they look like they have wicked sharp edges.

Excuse my ignorance but are you saying that combs are glued together? Is this seam line running with the teeth? Is the line suppose to contribute significantly to breakage? Simple questions I know but I never really paid attention to this.
Re: Not coming = Retention

Excuse my ignorance but are you saying that combs are glued together? Is this seam line running with the teeth? Is the line suppose to contribute significantly to breakage? Simple questions I know but I never really paid attention to this.

Most combs made from plastic, are molded. Because the molds are usually two sided, there is a seam created where the front and back of the molds meet, all along the teeth of the comb.

That seam, because it's so thin, can act like a dull razor, scraping cuticles of the hair off, and gradually weakening the hair over time. If you aren't trying to grow your hair to 8+ year lengths, it might be less of a worry, as the damage is slow - but cumulative. If you are growing for the long haul, though, and are twitchy about cumulative damage, seamless combs are the way to go.

I'm real twitchy about damage, so I went seamless.
I too can chime in to say that not combing has been beneficial for me. I just started doing this last week and was greatly impressed with not having any breakage! I initially thought the "no combers" didn't know what they were talking about, but boy was I WRONG!

I too am relaxed and just the one week has made a difference. I'm on my own little bunning challenge and each night I take my bun down to allow my hair to "relax" from being up all day and apply MN with just the rat tail to make parts. Once it (MN) has absorbed into my scalp, I put it up in a satin cap for the evening.

No combing does work - it took some will power but once I saw the difference it makes I'm cool with it. Less is more!!!

Below bra strap length - HERE I COME!!!!

I now detangle with a comb every 6 weeks and I have a huge hair ball after I finish but I'm not alarmed. My hair really took off after I stopped combing every week. At first, I detangled every three weeks and now I've gotten up to no combing every 6 weeks. I haven't made it past 6. My hair was stuck at bra-strap and now it's mid back.
I braided my hair in box braids at the roots and the rest twists...My girl got GREAT retention like that....I hope to leave mine in for TWO months aggressive goal, but ONE month good enough goal. Along with my raw MT on my scalp and my shea butter and spritz for moisture, hopefully I'll gain some inches onto WL by the end of 09.

Each week I do a different style with the ends. Last week, I let the ends of the twists lose and this week I'm bunning. Next week, I might do a roll or that, one month will go by in no time!
I definitely think no combing helps with retention. I actually didn't comb my hair for about 3 months. When I did comb it, I was straigtening it to do a length check.

I cowash every other day using a lot conditioner & I finger comb making sure that my hair has that "slip" before rinsing the conditioner out. I use a soft bristled round brush to put my hair in buns and that's about it. I do get a little bit of dead hair when I finger comb, not much, and when I detangled with a comb there wasn't much breakage either

I have natural 4a/b hair and it's a little above APL. I started out at shoulder length 3 mths ago. I like my natural curls so I don't like to comb them out, I just let them do what they're gonna do. I make sure to keep a lot of moisture on my hair.
I comb my hair maybe 2-3 times a week with no problems. It took a while getting used to it though. I finger comb every day now.
I got to my current length (below BSL now) by not combing. 2x a week max and sometimes 1x every two weeks. What helps me do it is olive oil:yep:. I retained a lot using this method.
I can see how this works for a relaxed person, but how would a natural with triple thick hair like mine do it?:nono::lachen:
I now detangle with a comb every 6 weeks and I have a huge hair ball after I finish but I'm not alarmed. My hair really took off after I stopped combing every week. At first, I detangled every three weeks and now I've gotten up to no combing every 6 weeks. I haven't made it past 6. My hair was stuck at bra-strap and now it's mid back.

I would love to do this but I like to detangle after two weeks and remove the shed hair. I got to 4 weeks once. Will try that again. It really does pay off.