Obsessed with OILS!

i love oils, too!

ways i've started using oils: removing my makeup, "washing my face", oil pulling, oil rinses, they go in my perms, Ayurvedic poo's, dc's, i seal with them....everything!

i just stocked up, so now i have:
castor oil (regular)
Sunflower oil
Hemp oil
Shea oil
Sweet almond oil
Avocado oil
Apricot oil
Neem oil
Argan oil
Pumkin seed oil
Watermelon seed oil
Kiwi seed oil
Broccoli seed oil
Carrot seed oil
Black seed oil
Yangu seed oil
Meadowfoam seed oil
Kukui nut oil
Walnut oil
Manketti oil
Macademia oil
Marula oil
Andiroba oil
Palm red oil
Ostrich oil
Babassu oil
Sapote oil
Emu oil
Amla oil
Coconut oil

and i've infused:
Cayenne pepper/Ginger oil
Nettle, Horsetail and Rosemary oil
Bahmi and Amla oil

i LOVE the difference oils make!

.....and the award goes to.......GROW!!!!! Congratulations! You are really obsessed with oils! You may have a little PJ in you too...:lachen:
count me in too:
castor (not black but beige)
wheat germ
lavendar eo
grapefruit eo
peppermint eo
rosemary eo
tea tree eo
not including butters

eta: about to try mustard oil
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you ladies have me cracking up! yes, i am a total PJ and yes, i am obsessed with oils, but more so, i'm obsessed with their benifits!:yep:

i was not like this before i came to lhcf, though:lachen:
(at least, not with the OILS!)

Obtained From: rendered from the bird fat
and refined
Contains: high content of Omeaga-6 and
Omega-9 essential fatty acids
Uses: non-comodogenic; transdermal; conditioning;
moisturizing properties

so, it will not clog your pores, it will penetrate your skin's top layer, and give you really deep moisturizing.
so i feel free to apply this even to my scalp and mix it with other scalp oils.
(i also use it for my face from time to time)

i got mine from: gardenofwisdom.com (excellent, fast, efficient service!)

some other good links on Ostrich oil:

hhj fellow oil lovers!:yep:
I don't know what happened to me...one moment I was steady Keeping It Simple and the next....

Extra Virgin Coconut Oil
Vitamin E Oil
Shea Butter
Sesame Oil
Avocado Oil
Macadamia Oil
Jojoba Oil
Sweet Almond Oil

Here's the thing though, (this is where I start fast talking and trying to justify...) I bought a sample of Ojon Hydrating Conditioner and it worked great!! But then I started thinking to myself, "Gosh, it's loaded with all these good oils and stuff but how do I know this product is really concentrated with the good stuff??" So I could just mix all this good stuf in myself and... and....yeah. LOL.

PJism...it sure does sneak up on you.:nono:
Obtained From: rendered from the bird fat
and refined
Contains: high content of Omeaga-6 and
Omega-9 essential fatty acids
Uses: non-comodogenic; transdermal; conditioning;
moisturizing properties

so, it will not clog your pores, it will penetrate your skin's top layer, and give you really deep moisturizing.
so i feel free to apply this even to my scalp and mix it with other scalp oils.
(i also use it for my face from time to time)

i got mine from: gardenofwisdom.com (excellent, fast, efficient service!)

some other good links on Ostrich oil:

hhj fellow oil lovers!:yep:

Ahhh OK....so its similar to Emu oil then. Nice!
I absolutely love oils! They are my favorite types of hair products. I have:

Avocado oil
Castor oil
Safflower oil
Coconut oil
Palm oil
Apricot Kernel oil
Macadamia Nut oil
Palm Kernel oil
Rosemary eo
Peppermint eo
Clary Sage eo
I hope this isn't a hijacker-style post :lol:.

I have like 4 bottles of amla oil (Dabur) and about 4 bottles of mustard oil. I have no idea what to do with them.

Since you lovely posters are like oil experts, can y'all help me with suggestions of how to use this collection?:grin:

I was going to use the mustard oil on my scalp b/c I heard it was full of sulfur. And is mustard oil safe to heat? I know people cook with it, and that involves heating.

The Dabur I have no idea how to use and reap the benefits b/c it has mineral oil. Should I hot oil treatment with it?

I have never used mustard oil but i swear by Amla oil. Amla has increased the strength of my hair tremendously.

I add my amla oil to coconut oil warm it a little and do my pre poo. That's all! And it works very well
OMG you ladies have AMAZING collections!!!!!!!!!!!! :lick: Just the thought of combining everyone's oils to make one giant collection is making my hair tingle!!! :blush3:

And grow.... what an exotic collection!!!! I've never heard of at least five of those oils!!!!

Flowinlocks - A lot of people use the amla oil as a pre-poo, or they use it with their conditioner and rinse it out. The mustard oil gives your scalp a nice tingle. It stimulates growth and is very strong so a little goes a long way. I use it in my pre-poo on my scalp only. Another poster was using it as a massage with her conditioner and said it was super!

LOVE OILS!!!!! :drunk:

Someone was going to add castor oil.... DO IT!!! You'll never go back. It's my second favorite oil :))) :yep:
OMG you ladies have AMAZING collections!!!!!!!!!!!! :lick: Just the thought of combining everyone's oils to make one giant collection is making my hair tingle!!! :blush3:

And grow.... what an exotic collection!!!! I've never heard of at least five of those oils!!!!

Flowinlocks - A lot of people use the amla oil as a pre-poo, or they use it with their conditioner and rinse it out. The mustard oil gives your scalp a nice tingle. It stimulates growth and is very strong so a little goes a long way. I use it in my pre-poo on my scalp only. Another poster was using it as a massage with her conditioner and said it was super!

LOVE OILS!!!!! :drunk:

Someone was going to add castor oil.... DO IT!!! You'll never go back. It's my second favorite oil :))) :yep:

:covereyes: Repeats to self, I will not buy another oil.
:covereyes: Repeats to self, I will not buy another oil.

:lachen:Fowinlocks, you just read my mind!:lachen:
girl i was already saying "oooh, i know where i can find some mustard oil really close so i don't even have to pay all that shipping like with many of the other oils....oooo weeee! then i had to say....stop!:lachen:

BUT, ladies, i'm now in the process of infusing some GARLIC OIL!!!:lachen::lick:

(ya know i just had to do somethiin'!:lachen:)

yep, i'm going to use that oil to help with shedding and strengthening!:yep:
i have a few as well avocado oil
extra virgin olive oil
extra virgin coconut oil
sweet almond oil
wheat germ oil
jojoba oil
garlic olive oil
jb castor oil
i should add that i dont really know the best wasy to use them all so thats probably y i still have almost full containers
Amla Oil
Brahmi Oil
Mustard Oil
Almond Oil
Apricot Kernel Oil
Haitian Black Castor oil
Regular Castor Oil
Jojoba Oil
Wheat Germ Oil
Grape Seed Oil

They may be others, I just can't remember right now
I love oils!!! especially for massage and oiling overnight.

Right now my collection is kind of skimpy:

Afroveda Shikaki oil
Ylang Ylang
Tea tree

Can't think of the rest, I've been too stressed to love on my hair like I want, i love oils especially for massage. I want Emu and now Mustard oil.
Pure oils:

Argan oil
EVCO (my true love)


Sapote & Castor (Anita Grant)
Oyin Afterbath Sweet Almond
Afroveda Hibiscus

Must get list:

Blackseed oil
Mustard Oil

Tried but won't repurchase:

Wheat Germ
Afroveda Rice Bran
what a great thread! I am truly obsessed with oils...
here is my list
I'll just list the unrefined oils that I have to make it easier and less confusing. I won't list the oil blends I have (for instance hairveda cocasta, oyin afterbath.lavida given by nature ayurvedic herbal fusion, anita grant oils, etc.) , the oil infusions that I make and I won't list my essential oils collection either..lol

-shea oil
palm kernel oil
sweet almond
black castor
wheat germ
japanese camellia
monoi de tahiti

gasp...I know there's more too .lol
well i am an oil whore..lol

edit: forgot apricot oil
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i forgot to list my beloved Monoi De Tahiti oil!

but thank goodness i don't forget to use it!

i've got some on right now, mixed with many other oils and deep moisturizing conditioners which i put on dry hair to do for my post protein treatment (done this morning) - overnight moisturizing treatment!:lick:
what a great thread! I am truly obsessed with oils...
here is my list
I'll just list the unrefined oils that I have to make it easier and less confusing. I won't list the oil blends I have (for instance hairveda cocasta, oyin afterbath.lavida given by nature ayurvedic herbal fusion, anita grant oils, etc.) , the oil infusions that I make and I won't list my essential oils collection either..lol

-shea oil
palm kernel oil
sweet almond
black castor
wheat germ
japanese camellia
monoi de tahiti

gasp...I know there's more too .lol
well i am an oil whore..lol

edit: forgot apricot oil

And the winner is RED :grin:!

How do you use argan and how do you like it?
do you rotate them al or do you have favorites?

what a great thread! I am truly obsessed with oils...
here is my list
I'll just list the unrefined oils that I have to make it easier and less confusing. I won't list the oil blends I have (for instance hairveda cocasta, oyin afterbath.lavida given by nature ayurvedic herbal fusion, anita grant oils, etc.) , the oil infusions that I make and I won't list my essential oils collection either..lol

-shea oil
palm kernel oil
sweet almond
black castor
wheat germ
japanese camellia
monoi de tahiti

gasp...I know there's more too .lol
well i am an oil whore..lol

edit: forgot apricot oil
I should not have came in here!

I am just browsing around to say something a bit off topic.

I use coconut oil for shine there is nothing comparable to it however in the long run it dries my hair out. You oil junkies: what can I apply to my fine hair, that is already styled, for moisture and shine that will not make it too heavy?
what a great thread! I am truly obsessed with oils...
here is my list
I'll just list the unrefined oils that I have to make it easier and less confusing. I won't list the oil blends I have (for instance hairveda cocasta, oyin afterbath.lavida given by nature ayurvedic herbal fusion, anita grant oils, etc.) , the oil infusions that I make and I won't list my essential oils collection either..lol

-shea oil
palm kernel oil
sweet almond
black castor
wheat germ
japanese camellia
monoi de tahiti

gasp...I know there's more too .lol
well i am an oil whore..lol

edit: forgot apricot oil

hi Redcouvert! by moringa oil, do you mean moringa leaf?
i have some of that powder and was thinking about making an oil infusion with it....:rolleyes: you've got a great collection!
I should not have came in here!

I am just browsing around to say something a bit off topic.

I use coconut oil for shine there is nothing comparable to it however in the long run it dries my hair out. You oil junkies: what can I apply to my fine hair, that is already styled, for moisture and shine that will not make it too heavy?

hi gn1g!

i have fine hair, too, so what i usually use when i want something light is one of my seed oils (depending on the season).

my preferences are for: Kiwi seed, Watermelon seed and Broccoli seed.

i've read studies where Broccoli seed oil is being compared to silicone products because "it acts" like a cone with the mega shine, but without blocking the moisture from penetrating the hair shaft like a real cone.

i've also noticed that i haven't had any problems with reversion when using it; something that cones guarantee (the reversion is eliminated) because they block out the moisture from air and other things, so i've found it to be a safe "cone like" shine element that's also healthy!:yep:

At one time I had bought so many oils, but I realized that my hair is not that fragile where I need to use a million and one oils.Right now, I use olive oil, avocado oil and coconut oil. That is it. I had bought some Jamaican castor oil, it was okay, more like an oil for those with extremely dry hair, so now I just added the last of it to my deep conditioner to use it up.
Edit: I knew I forgot to list some: I also have brocoli seed oil, avocado oil and peach kernel oil

@Zawaj: aaw..thank you. I use argan oil mostly when I do my rhassoul treatments. I add a spoon of argan oil to my rhassoul mix. I was tempted to use it as a sealer but it is so precious. I also use it as a face oil

@lwilliams: yes ma'am, I do rotate them. I have a hard time choosing favorites. I love them all

@grow: hey. Thank you for the kind words. No, I do have moringa powder from the leaves that I use for rhassoul treatments. I also added 2 tsp of moringa powder and let it infuse in coconut oil. But I do have the pure moringa oil pressed from the seed of moringa tree

@gn1g: like grow said, I also suggest a light oil such as watermelon

@RossBoss: I also like adding jbco to my deep conditioners
coconut oil
olive oil
wheat germ oil
avocado oil
grapeseed oil
jojoba oil
alma oil
argan oil
emu oil
Castor Oil

I mix variations together for my oil mix. I also add some to conditioners and to my Shea Butter mix.
red palm
Tigi Moisture boost( pumpkin, flax and some others)
ramtirth brahmi
hibiscus infusion
bhringraj infusion
Hey!!! Anyone else obsessed with oils? :yep: I have a huge collection and about to add to it! :woohoo2: Post your oil collections!!!!! :spinning:

- Avocado Oil
- Amla Oil
- Bringraj Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Castor Oil
- Extra virgin Olive Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Lavendar Oil
- Mustard Oil
- Rose Oil
- Vatika Oil
About to get some Basil and Sweet Almond Oil!! :grin:

Why does this list look eerily familiar?? LOL. I love oils too, I'm about to add hempseed oil and walnut oil too..look:
these list are amazing.....off to buy oils.

here's mine. yall read while i go to amazon and shop. :)

staples --
coconut - pre poo
vatika - pre poo
evoo - mix into conditioners and sulfate shampoos (if i have any left)
amla - pre poo
castor oil - use on edges with jojoba oil and essentials
jojoba - use as sealant and in mixture with castor oil for edges

essentials--- i mix these into blends and deep conditioners
tea tree


hairveda vatika frosting - use to mix with deep conditioners
hydratherma natural moisture lotion (its's all oils and butters) - use as sealant
melaleuca scalp therapy: corn oil based with grapeseed and marula oils - use on edges and as sealant

shopping list ---sage oil (stimulates scalp)
basil oil (stimulates scalp)
wheat germ oil (heard this makes a good natural ceramide)
grapeseed oil
sweet almond oil
shea nut oil (used to use in my blends. loved it. not sure why? but it's supposed to heal and hydrate. it's rich in fatty acids :) )
kukui nut oil (used to use in my blends. supposed to heal and hydrate hair)
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Hey!!! Anyone else obsessed with oils? :yep: I have a huge collection and about to add to it! :woohoo2: Post your oil collections!!!!! :spinning:

- Avocado Oil
- Amla Oil
- Bringraj Oil
- Coconut Oil
- Castor Oil
- Extra virgin Olive Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Lavendar Oil
- Mustard Oil
- Rose Oil
- Vatika Oil

About to get some Basil and Sweet Almond Oil!! :grin:

I have the following (and thinking of adding more...:yep:):

- Avocado Oil
- Amla Oil
- Coconut Oil (100% unrefined)
- Castor Oil
- Extra Virgin Olive Oil
- Grapeseed Oil
- Jojoba Oil
- Rosemary Oil
- Peppermint Oil
- Emu Oil
- Vatika Coconut Oil
- Vatika Olive Oil
- Shea Butter (100% unrefined)
- Wheat Germ Oil
- Saw Palmetto Oil
- Navratna Plus Oil
- Sweet Almond Oil

I think that's it...:rolleyes: I'm new to this site and have become absolutely "addicted"! My family and friends think I'm a "mad scientist"! :lachen: