ORS no lye relaxer = poisonous??


New Member
i was reading the blog from southerntease/mane & chic & i went to the website in her blog called skin deep. after searching & clicking i found one of the relaxers i use faithfully & swear by to have an hazard scale of 8/10. (the link is below). hat do yall think?? i know relaxers are bad all in all but i swear my hair LOVES them. my hair is actually healthier AFTER a relaxer than when i stretch....
chile breathing is hazardous. bottled water is hazardous. If your hair likes it, I wouldn't worry.
I personally love the cosmetic database. I check everything on there just to see the hazard score.

Anyway, some people feel that since we take in so many chemicals and pollution through our food, the air, computer screens and everything else we're exposed to it doesn't really matter what our hair products have in them.

Personally, I'd rather limit what I take in. But that's what works for me. I'm pretty convinced that the high levels of cancer we're experiencing now are due to the number of carcinogens we're exposed to in our environment, especially from the products we use that are absorbed through our skin and scalps.

If it works for you and it doesn't bother you then keep on using it. Everyone has to do what's right for them.
Wow! ORS no lye (normal) is all I use and have used for years :sad:. Oh well...I was thinking about trying Mizani next anyway. I didn't see it on the list, but this still may be my que :perplexed
Wow! ORS no lye (normal) is all I use and have used for years :sad:. Oh well...I was thinking about trying Mizani next anyway. I didn't see it on the list, but this still may be my que :perplexed
Right! Thats how I feel.... Did u see that a kids relaxer had a 9/10?? This is going to drive me insane trying to choose to continue or stop...
I personally love the cosmetic database. I check everything on there just to see the hazard score.

Anyway, some people feel that since we take in so many chemicals and pollution through our food, the air, computer screens and everything else we're exposed to it doesn't really matter what our hair products have in them.

Personally, I'd rather limit what I take in. But that's what works for me. I'm pretty convinced that the high levels of cancer we're experiencing now are due to the number of carcinogens we're exposed to in our environment, especially from the products we use that are absorbed through our skin and scalps.

If it works for you and it doesn't bother you then keep on using it. Everyone has to do what's right for them.


The information is out there.... It is personal choice to ban what may be( or probably is ) dangerous to one in the long run.

I have done it....And I am most grateful. People get really heated though when these ideas are discussed, so I won't argue with people about it.... I don't want cancer, so I am limiting my exposure to toxic products, since we have lots of other pollutants to fight. Shtow is right about that....

That Data Base is a life line for me. Any ingredient above 3.... Goes away for me.

I know too many people with mysterious cancers, and auto immune diseases.
The thing that concerns me about websites like this sometimes is that they don't discuss how whatever kind of toxicity occurs. Are they talking bout things being ingested orally, put in the eyes, otherwise misused etc?

Almost any compound you can thing of whether it's organic or synthetic might poison you, burn you or cause someone somewhere to have a reaction. Especially when not used properly or when used if you have an existing allergy or other health issue.

This quote from the FDA makes a good point:

According to the Food and Drug Administration's Office of Cosmetics and Colors, hair straighteners and hair dyes are among its top consumer complaint areas. Complaints range from hair breakage to symptoms warranting an emergency room visit. Reporting such complaints is voluntary, and the reported problem is often due to incorrect use of a product rather than the product itself. FDA encourages consumers to understand the risks that come with using hair chemicals, and to take a proactive approach in ensuring their proper use. The agency doesn't have authority under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to require premarket approval for cosmetics, but it can take action when safety issues surface.

I highlighted the most salient part there.

The better option is to follow instructions carefully, do patch tests, and use your common sense or if you are that worried do your own research so you can find unbiased information that is presented in an understandable manner for you.
i was reading the blog from southerntease/mane & chic & i went to the website in her blog called skin deep. after searching & clicking i found one of the relaxers i use faithfully & swear by to have an hazard scale of 8/10. (the link is below). hat do yall think?? i know relaxers are bad all in all but i swear my hair LOVES them. my hair is actually healthier AFTER a relaxer than when i stretch....

Oooo giiiirrrrlll thanks for this post. I forgot all about this database. I use to check all my products, and stayed clear of the ones high on the list
The thing that concerns me about websites like this sometimes is that they don't discuss how whatever kind of toxicity occurs. Are they talking bout things being ingested orally, put in the eyes, otherwise misused etc?

Almost any compound you can thing of whether it's organic or synthetic might poison you, burn you or cause someone somewhere to have a reaction. Especially when not used properly or when used if you have an existing allergy or other health issue.

This quote from the FDA makes a good point:

I highlighted the most salient part there.

The better option is to follow instructions carefully, do patch tests, and use your common sense or if you are that worried do your own research so you can find unbiased information that is presented in an understandable manner for you.

I understand the "incorrect usage" argument. My problem is with the fact that the chemicals in products can be and are absorbed into our skin and scalps.

There are lots of soaps, body washes, conditioners, nail polish, and other products that people use correctly every day. The chemicals in those products are absorbed by our bodies. So if you take a shower everyday using a product with questionable chemicals you are being exposed every single day, even if it's in small levels. You can eat fried chicken everyday and it won't kill you, but the fat, cholesterol, salt, and whatever else is affecting your body and eventually there will be consequences. That is what bothers me.

ETA: I have to say, I don't trust ANYTHING the FDA says. It's supposed to be a government organization that works to protect us from harm in our food and drugs but is controlled by the companies (pharmaceutical, meat, etc.) who have enough money to buy favorable results.
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I don't have to click on the link to guess that the website is biased.

ETA: While the occurrence of cancer does seem to be rising (I don't know the exact statistics), we are also living years longer than our predecessors who lived before all of the "toxins" that we are exposed to. There's different ways to look at these issues. I'm cautious, but overall I don't worry about it. Health food buffs, vegetarians, and wellness and fitness gurus still get cancer.

However, if it bothers you, then it may be time to make some changes.
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I understand the "incorrect usage" argument. My problem is with the fact that the chemicals in products can be and are absorbed into our skin and scalps.

There are lots of soaps, body washes, conditioners, nail polish, and other products that people use correctly every day. The chemicals in those products are absorbed by our bodies. So if you take a shower everyday using a product with questionable chemicals you are being exposed every single day, even if it's in small levels. You can eat fried chicken everyday and it won't kill you, but the fat, cholesterol, salt, and whatever else is affecting your body and eventually there will be consequences. That is what bothers me.

:yep: I think Yodie said it best.... " Would you like one pellet of Rat poison or 10 pellets?"

Incorrect usage is not what I am worried about. And the FDA does NOT monitor Beauty products..... If they did...most products would be banned.

I would not trust the FDA as far as I could throw the Federal Building.
I don't have to click on the link to guess that the website is biased.

Actually- it is pretty balanced.

It just gives ratings regarding toxicity.

That is it.

It is up to the individual to decide...

I think this is the same arguement for other vices out there.

cigarrettes - IMO - are the fastest route to the grave. the tobacco companies DENIED it.

And some smokers don't care.

with haircare, some people don't care. Knowledge is power, but people can decide after that.

We all know that relaxers are Strong chemicals... We all know that. There should be no surprize that relaxers are on the highest end of the toxicity spectrum.
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That can be said for anything.

Foods, the air etc. My main issue is how the information is presented. I personally don't care for information that is presented the way that particular website does. Like their pie charts, no data does not always equal a reason to think something is a toxin. For the average person, you see that and think on NO I'm gonna die. I think it's a predatory method of getting a message across.

I am not a fan of lobbyists doing this sort of thing honestly. Especially lobbies funded by big ETA I meant organic produce producers, big organic industry. I was looking at something about big pharma at the same time and typed what I was saying outloud.
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Thanks for the interesting link OP.
My old school stylist who specialized in presses was recently dignosed with lung cancer, her mother who was also a stylist died from it. They think it's linked to all the smoke from the hot combs, I had never considered that happening.:(
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Right! Thats how I feel.... Did u see that a kids relaxer had a 9/10?? This is going to drive me insane trying to choose to continue or stop...

It is scary... But, knowledge is power. Make an educated decision....There are relaxers on the list that are not so high on the toxicity scale.
That can be said for anything.

Foods, the air etc. My main issue is how the information is presented. I personally don't care for information that is presented the way that particular website does. Like their pie charts, no data does not always equal a reason to think something is a toxin. For the average person, you see that and think on NO I'm gonna die. I think it's a predatory method of getting a message across.

I am not a fan of lobbyists doing this sort of thing honestly. Especially lobbies funded by big ETA I meant organic produce producers, big organic industry. I was looking at something about big pharma at the same time and typed what I was saying outloud.

I feel ya... it is a complex issue.....
Thanks for the interesting link OP.
My old school stylist who specialized in presses was recently dignosed with lung cancer, her mother who was also a stylist died from it. They think it's linked to all the smoke from the hot combs, I had never considered that happening.:(

There are SEVERAL incidents of Cancer among hair stylists.....

:nono::nono: It does not shock me at all.

3 Relaxed friends....had - ovarian, and breast cancers... stages 3 and 4.

That is all I needed to get away from Carcinogens... ( DMDM Hydatonin -is the one that stands out the most to me...)
Thanks for the interesting link OP.
My old school stylist who specialized in presses was recently dignosed with lung cancer, her mother who was also a stylist died from it. They think it's linked to all the smoke from the hot combs, I had never considered that happening.:(

aww thats sad:sad:.
HUGELY. Even Glycerine and Aloe Vera come with a cancer warning on this website. That's how ridiculous it is.

Because everything, even water, can cause sickness or death in high enough levels.

The website is just a jumping off point. For people who are concerned, it's an easy way to begin to find answers. But they are not the only answer. Everything I've seen on there I researched other places and found the SAME results.
:yep: I think Yodie said it best.... " Would you like one pellet of Rat poison or 10 pellets?"

Incorrect usage is not what I am worried about. And the FDA does NOT monitor Beauty products..... If they did...most products would be banned.

I would not trust the FDA as far as I could throw the Federal Building.

Thank you! Take a look at the ingredients on your favorite conditioner. My favorite one is "fragrance". That can literally be anything and companies are not required to detail what the fragrance is made of or what it's extracted from.

The point is...get informed. Know what your putting on your body and on your kid's bodies. God forbid we find out years from now that the rise in autism is due to the use of certain products while the mother is pregnant. That's extreme, but not impossible. I'm not advocating throw everything away and just use water, but there's nothing wrong with researching and making decisions to lessen your exposure just a little bit based on the information you find.
I had written a long comment, but there's no reason to try to settle these debates....

Relaxers are now the official source of:
1. Self-image problems
2. Hair damage
3. Obesity
4. And cancer
I had written a long comment, but there's no reason to try to settle these debates....

Relaxers are now the official source of:
1. Self-image problems
2. Hair damage
3. Obesity
4. And cancer

These are interesting - And VERY TRUE statements. ( obesity - I dunno:look:)

No we won't solve the debate tonight... But - it is all - Pro and Con - food for thought.
omg. i was not expecting such a strong response. i am in agreeal with pretty much all of yall. every product has some sort of hazard. some more than others of course. relaxers in nature are hazardous because altering the native configuration of a protein (hair) either needs foreign chemicals (relaxers) or extreme heat (flat iron). but it is best to be knowledgable of which products would cause the most harm. water?? not so much. but it is best to drink natural water thats not packaged in nasty plastics. but benzene of course is not something u would want to be absorbed into your skin. now im at the fork in the road because i love straight hair and may kill someone during a transition because i get easily annoyed if my hair wont cooperate. but should i continue relaxing, u better believe im changing the hair products i use now. i hae mostly switch to naturals oils & all that, but my conditioner sure isnt. and mane & tail conditioner is a 5/10. so ill probably stick to relaxers, but choose lower hazard ones, and switch my entire regimen to natural and organic. thanks to all the ladies who posted & if u have anything else to add please do!!