Phyto Telaxers...


New Member
I loved my last touchup with Phyto II and I'm planning on doing my own in a couple of weeks for the very first time. I'm also thinking about texlaxing. I like the idea of less damage to my hair and the extra thickness. I was just wondering if any ladies on here texlaxed with Phyto II. Are you happy with the results? How long do you leave the relaxer in. How straight does your hair get when wet/dry? I'm definitely planning on doing a strand test, but I would love to hear about any feedback that you ladies have. TIA!
A few ladies use Index 1 for less straight hair. Maybe they can help you.
This is a good question, I'd like to hear from others too,

I tex lax w/ phyto. At first I was doing good, but now i think i've overlapped too much b/c now my hair is too straight.....

Would love to know how other people are managing to do this right.
I texlax with Phyto. Once I get it all in, I wash it right out. No smoothing whatsoever.

If I want it extra straight, I can blowdry it (thanks to my new Andis) or go to the Dominican salon. I still have bone straight ends, but when wet the texlaxed hair is pretty wavy. I have gotten lots of compliments on how much thicker my hair seems.

The first time I texlaxed I used Index 1 and the second time I used Index 2. I think I will stick with Index 1 because Index 2 seems to work faster. A little bit of my hair just above the nape got straighter than I anticipated.