Please share any M.N.(NeoAF), results here~


^^ feb 24th


^^^ march 7th

The ruler measures 1/2inch, but some of that might be slippage; I didn't let them braid them as tight as they usually do.


^^ march 12th (today) -- 2 weeks and 2 days.


^^^ How my kinky twists usually look at 6 weeks! Ok, I'm starting to get freaked out again. :(
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sareca said:
^^ feb 24th


^^^ march 7th

The rules measure 1/2inch, but some of that might be slippage; I didn't let them braid them as tight as they usually do.

Cool ruler. Where did you purchase it from?

XXXtacy said:
Cool ruler. Where did you purchase it from?


It came in a sewing kit I got a billion years ago. It's perfect for measuring NG.
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This is a 5 week close attention to the shoulders as a guide..I didn't put them side by side
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Oh wowzers ladies!
Amazing growth stories.

This is so tempting....I am going to get some NeoAF today. I hope this works!
Im sorry I don't have pics. I have to buy a new camera... I started using MN in Nov. I have been stretching 3-4 months. I also love daily co-washes. I usually find it hard to continue with the daily co-washing and manipulation at about 1 month prior to relaxing. However, this time I opted to stop the daily CWs and manipulation 1 month post-relaxer. :yep: That hadn't happened before so Im positive that I can blame MN.
Month ago started FAMILY DOLLAR MN mixed with MANE/TAIL SOY CREME. I see a faster fill in rate at my temples than with FRENCHEE or DR.{no}MIRACLES.

I stopped by walgreens on the way to work. I got NeosporinAF.
I was going to put on my hair tonight. My excitment got the best of me.
I'm like driving down the freeway on my way to work, parting my bangs(the only part I leave out on occassion), and putting Neo(my new BF) on my hair. I cannot wait to see the results.

I stopped by walgreens on the way to work. I got NeosporinAF.
I was going to put on my hair tonight. My excitment got the best of me.
I'm like driving down the freeway on my way to work, parting my bangs(the only part I leave out on occassion), and putting Neo(my new BF) on my hair. I cannot wait to see the results.

Its a good thing you made it to work safely.
Its a good thing you made it to work safely.

And thank goodness for cruise control....

so its about 2weeks to see growth from this stuff huh?

What is the other thread MN thread that everybody is talking about. It seems we can only post results on this one. Thats good because I would have to filter out all the other stuff.
Today, I decided to be brave and try using the MN (fungal) spray in my mix. I didn't trust spraying it directly on my hair and scalp so I did spray it into my mix and stirred it in good: the mist made me choke/felt like throwing up too.
Im back to the creme. I sprayed the spray in a oil mix but I don't think it was effective because the substance is powdery and misty more than it is liquidy once outside of the spray can. Then I sprayed it on my scalp directly a couple of times but I stopped using it. Couldn't stand the mist. I like the creme mix way better anyway. Im still going to measure that shorter group of hair in front to see what it is stretched. In April it will be a month since I made the last measurement (4.2 in.).
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Where do you get 4% ? I can't find it anywhere!

I get my 4%at Target. I get the target brand of monistat 3 day. The box says miconazole 3. BTW I have been using MN twice a day...mixed with oils in the morning after my daily co wash and straight out of the tube before I go to sleep.




My hair has been growing like CRAZY...I took a picture of my hair straight on Oct 24th and I had JUST trimmed my bangs out my eyes and now my bangs streched are AT THE TIP OF MY NOSE AS OF today(Nov 6th):drunk:

I'm going to post pictures at the end of 30 days.

My reggie is co washing everyday with Burt's Bees Super Shiny Grapefruit and Sugar Beet Con and DC every week with Pantene Nouishing moisture replenishing mask. I wash about every 3-4 days with Nexxus Therappe mixed with JoJoba oil cause the cantu repair I use everyday cause build up for me but I still love it. I also take garlic and prenatal vits.

Also I had a heat damage mishap (see here: ) and my hair has THICKEND up so its crazy..even my friends have noticed(Sidenote:my hair got its curl more straight pieces like in my fotki...but I don't think that has anything to do with MN lol) Also my bald spots are filling in! Remember I've only been using this for a week and a day(but it is twice a day....I really feel like that is making a huge difference). I have chroic migrane headaches and I haven't got no one headache from this thank the Lord.

I am so happy!
I've been using monistat on and off for the past 2 months and it really filled in my W shaped nape area! I can't say that I got an inch, but it grew about a 1/2 inch, which is still pretty amazing considering that my nape grows in super slow. I'll add some pics this weekend when i take these braids out. I use NeoAF straight, usually.
Anyone else? I used this back in 2007 and got about 1/2 an inch a month, but my hair usually grows 1/3 per month. Now I'm back on it, and being more consistent then I was before! Will come back when I've got some huge results!
Anyone else? I used this back in 2007 and got about 1/2 an inch a month, but my hair usually grows 1/3 per month. Now I'm back on it, and being more consistent then I was before! Will come back when I've got some huge results!
and so you didnt come back :look:

anyone elseeeeeeee, come onnnnnnnnn ladiess!!!!!!!!!! ill just keeep bumping this untill sombody comes back. :rolleyes: