Proper Way to ACV rinse?


Well-Known Member
i'd like to clarify today. what's the proper way to do an acv rinse? what proportions do i need? 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar to 1 cup water? what works best for you?

what are other good clarifying techniques? i've heard adding baking soda to shampoo is good too.

i tried clarifying with lemon juice which was a total hair drying disaster!
I put 1/4 cup of ACV to two quarts of water.

The only way that ACV rinses work for me is if I do it before shampooing, instead of after shampooing and conditioning. I think that it helps me to get more goodies from the shampoo and conditioner this way.
I ACV after shampoo and before condish = Shampoo and rinse, then squeeze hair dry. Pour ACV over hair (do not rinse) then squeeze dry. Apply condish for however long, then rinse.

I use 1 part ACV to 2 parts distilled water -- this seems to get roughly a 3.4 pH solution -- not too strong and not too weak.
usually i cowash, but today i just used acv instead and the results were AMAZING. My hair stayed moisturized all day. Usually it starts getting dry and i have 2 add more moisturizer. Not this time.:) Sometimes i use it after conditioning. Next time I poo, i'll try using it b4 i condition and see what happens
I do an ACV RINSE after I deep conditioner my hair as a final rinse. I use 1/4 cup acv and 3 cups of water, pour it over my hair, and then leave it on for 5 minutes. I think rinse with very cool water. Really nice results. Everyone does it so differently. I wonder what's the most effective way???