Scared to go no poo, help!


New Member
I have tried so many hair products at least a different set of shampoo and conditioner twice a month. I would really like to narrow things down. The problem is I have not found anything that can properly moisturize my hair.

I have heard so much about the no poo/ co wash method. I really want to try it. However, I am scared to death of having an overly dirty scalp. Can someone please enlighten me on the deal with no poo. Have you had an overly dirty scalp due to no poo or co wash?


PJ Rehabilitation Center
For Me, going 'Poo-less was the one of the best things I did for my overly dry hair.:grin:

I rinse my hair & scalp for an eternity w/plain water before adding the Conditioner, which I let sit a minute before I rinse out.:yep:

I've never had what I felt to be a 'dirty' scalp and my hair is much healthier and more moisturized.

When I first began my HHJ, I started out pre-pooing then 'pooing, and I gave that up in favor of co-washing.:grin:

Now, I only Shampoo about every 4-6 weeks and then it's with a Clarifying Shampoo. And naturally I shampoo after Relaxing with a Neutralizing Shampoo.

It works for me and I'm happy I made the switch.:grin:


Well-Known Member
Nothing to be afraid of--just see how it goes. It can't harm your hair so try it.

I used to no-poo for a long while. I simply washed my hair and scrubbed my scalp with water and I rarely used conditioner. I have an oily scalp, but it never felt any more dirty or itchy than usual (a good finger scrub/massage under the shower stream was enough). But I would also wash my hair with diluted shampoo about once a month.
Build-up can be a problem though if you don't clarify at least every now and then (once every month or two months at least). Co-washing IMO is a bit worse with build-up because you are adding more cones and product, so I would try no-pooing first.


New Member
Thank you all, I think I will give a try.

P.S. What's the difference between co-wash and no poo? I thought they were the same.


New Member
Why did I read the title as "scared to poo"

:lachen: :lachen: :lachen:

Why would you be afraid of a dirty scalp? I shampoo maybe once a month in the summertime and my scalp is squeaky clean. I just cowash the rest of the time or do ACV rinses.


New Member
Woo Hoo! I just co washed and I am going to see how this goes. I hope I can keep up the No Pooing... Oh wait a minute I just read what you said lilsparkle, I see why you were alarmed!