(spinny spin) - Why WONT You Go Natural?

ironic how that works... your dad stressed natural hair and so you relaxed it. my mom stressed long straight hair and so i cut it all off and went natural. :drunk:

Isn't it??? I love your hair by the way. If I was not too lazy and chicken to face my detangling issues (ouch!!!), I'd go natural and wear my hair like yours. Well, never say never... ya never know:drunk:

One thing I forgot to say earlier, beside the time I had my first relaxer, I've been self-relaxing from the very beginning. I just bought a bottle of no-lye and read the instructions. I am quite good at following instructions by the way (I am catholic!!!:lachen:). So from that moment I've been on my own, I never had any problems with relaxers. Well I'd neglected my hair from time to time in the past, and it became very dry but that was it, no major breakages or drama.. but I didn't care at this time cause I was not a hair diva... From the moment I found LHCF, my life changes again cause with all the info I found on the site, I've been able to retain more length and I am loving it more and more everyday... and guess what: hair diva, here we go!!!:grin:

i can't remember my natural hair when i was younger. :nono: i remember relaxers as far back as middle school; i can't recall much further back. i really wish my mother had decided to wait until i was a bit older before she decided to relax my hair. i tried stretching once and it was terrible. but now that i've learned so many things on this board, i think i'll try sometime later in the year and see how i fare.

i really would like to see my natural hair, but i don't have it in me to BC AND not relax ( i plan to go for a short pixie cut soon, but i'll prolly continue to relax ). but i definitely want to try texlaxing. :drunk:
Hi Whimsy...I just wanted to give you a shout out for starting such a great thread! :woot:
....and you ladies are right, I love being natural, but the transition phase was a major pain in the butt!:spinning:
What she said :yep:

I'll never say never, but based on how I feel currently I won't go natural because:

*I don't want to cut my hair
*I prefer the straight hair look for myself
*It takes a lot of (admirable) work to be natural
*I like my style options better with relaxed hair
I feel like the thing of being natural is jsut a phase. In 2 or 4 years this will blow over too. Everyone wants to be natural right now because it helps you get thicker healthier hair, and everyone's doing it isn't so bad too.

Personally, natual heads have to take a lot of effort to be natural. I can barely style my relaxed hair, so I will mess up some antural hair. I already look a mess some days with striaght relaxed hair so with kinky natural hair, I will be just plain Miss Ceily. Naps and Tangles everywhere. In a way it fits my personality, but in a way it doesn't. Everything kinda fits my personality because I'm so diverse but um I'm a leader not follower so relaxed head it is lol. 2 years from now I will be the prettiest relaxed head around...lol mainly because everyone will be natural. But seriously...I love my hair and wouldn't want to cut it...I'm vain lol