Stop me if I've gone insane!


New Member
Stop me if I\'ve gone insane!

I want to buy some new supplements. I have biotin already and I plan to get:

Evening primrose
flaxseed oil
Amino acids
Pantothenic Acid

so, I'm planning on taking all of these plus the biotin and my multi vitamin. Is that too much? I realize that I may be going overboard, I haven't seen anyone take all of these at the same time.

Is there any vitamin that has all of these ingredients in them so I don't have to buy hundreds of bottles?

My product junkie-ism has switched from actual hair products to supplements in the past week... scary isn't it?
Re: Stop me if I\'ve gone insane!

I don't think it's too much but you may get tired of taking this many vitamins
I know I did. I used to take 8 2x a day
But I've narrowed it down to 2, twice a day.
Re: Stop me if I\'ve gone insane!

Purtygurly, you might just want to check your Amino Acid complex before buying the L-cysteine as the complex might already contain this amino acid and so you may not need to buy it separately. BTW, I've got the same supps you are considering getting and except the silica, and I know a few people also on a similar regimen. My only problem is I never remember to take all of them, let alone take any of them regularly.
It's true what they say: the mind's usually the first to go.
Re: Stop me if I\'ve gone insane!

yeah, I thought of that. I didn't buy any L-cysteine, it's in the amino acid pills already.

Do you think that I'm gonna forget to take these darned pills after I paid 50 dollars on them?!?! no way

Thanks for telling me anyways Nonie.
Re: Stop me if I\'ve gone insane!

Dont take too many vitamins at once, u want to figure out what works for u , if u take too many u may not be sure which ones r having a positive/negative affect, take it slow, too put too much on at once, I really like MSM, and I am goinng to try the powder, I like biotin, and I want to try an amino acid, dont take too much silica