Teen summer growth challange wrap up . .


New Member
hey ya'll. i was wondering how did your challange go. did you reach your goal? also school is comming up (
booooo!!) but that means getting cute ( yeah!!!
) so how ya gonna do it? what are you fall regimes gonna be? feel us in. i'll post my info later. oh and i'm looking for a pic of free ( 106th & park) for my avatar. i went to bet.com and couldn't find one. if you could help that would be great.
ttfn(ta ta for now)
well i didnt do as good as i planned to this summer, i had human hair braids all summer and i took them out yesterday. my hair is real thick and curly so i lost alot of hair trying to comb it out, thats y i decided that tomorrow i am finally going to get a perm after 2 years! so maybe that way i can keep more of my legnth and not loose it by combing out my hair. but anyways.. my hair is now about 4 inches past my shoulders in the back. i think i grew about 3 inches this summer but lost alot yesterday due to combing my hair out. i am going to perm my hair tomorrow and have it down the 1st week of school and then get braids the following week, because this is my senior year and i want some REAL LONG hair by tha time i graduate!!! also i take puritans pride bioton all summer, i went through 3 bottles, and i dont think i got any growth from it, so i bought the wal-mart brand biotin last night and i tried that one before and it worked pretty well. but anyways i'm jus goin keep on growin!!! how did your hair do this summer i need money??
BronxBaby, Since your hair is natural you length probably is not showing as well as it would if your hair was straightened. I think once you straighten you will pleasantly suprised. Let us know how it turns out ok. Happy Hair Growing!
Could it be possible if we started a new teen growth challenge that goes for a year? I just joined and I think it would be great to have teen support all year around.
I also wore human hair braids for two months, my hair grew alot, did you all see my pic? I am currently 3 months since my relaxer and I am planning to relax in November!! That will make 5 months,wish me luck!!!!!
I've had my braids in since the end of May and I need to take them out soon. I've gotten about 3 inches of growth in some and only about an inch in others. I left my vitamins in my room at school so I have to wait a few more days until I'm able to take them again. Everyone keep up the work!
WOW..I had forgotten all about this..
OOOPS! Well, my hair is okay..I won't reach my goal of Bra Strap by the end of September (probably because of those darned braids)..but that's okay, because I am soo much closer..and my hair isn't as thick as I imagined..(once again, probably due to those braids)..but I know better next time...
Bronx .. is that Raven's real hair in that pic or is it weave ?

My summer isnt over yet, i have about 3 more weeks to go ...
I'm in agreement with SingingStar12 about doing a teen growth challenge for a year. Although I didnt do a summer challenge, I want to do a year challenge starting on september 1st. Anyone else interested??? My goal is to be past my bra strap and nearing waist length.
to everyone:
i can't believe it: i have hair!! i didn't get my four inches more like 2 or three but you would be surprised the diffrence it makes. i wanted to show off my new length but i figuredit would be healthier for my already atrocious ends if i just sport my new ponytail. i also got a new deep conditioner, desgner touch, it's cool. i gotta use it some more before i can make a real verdict. but if smells yummy. yup i'm happy, i have know idea what i'm going to do for school now. i got two weeks to figure it out. but to be honest i kinda want to keep my hair up in protective styles, because to reatain this much length over the summer is un real for me and i want to keep it up!!

To bronxbaby: thanx for the free pic but i can't get it in my signature. i'll figure it out though. free is like my hair role model. she changes her hair often but still rocks the afro. i swear when 106th and park became big in my area a lot less people remarked on my natural hair. shout out to free!! lol

To everyone intrested in a year long teen challenge: i would be down but personally have very little will power. i am on a personal year long challange. but i have to fool myself by cutting it up in to every few months. plus i have to change my habits by season (not heat in the summer, no daily rinsings in the winter) but if everyone else is commited i join in.
i need $: naw that is not raven's real hair, she changes her hair so often, i think her real hair is about shoulder legnth. but what u see there is weave. and as far as your avitar/signature goes i'll PM you w/ tha instructions
I'm not a teen (21) but i still have teen tendency so I decided to post a lil sumthin.... My hair has grown tremendously this summer do to keeping it in cornrows and redoing them every two weeks, in between time i would deep condition them and keep them moisturized when i had them in.... I permed my hair the day before yesterday and was amazed at the new length... I will be at my goal of bra strap by the end of the year if I keep this up.... I'm a broke college gal so me and my sister learned to braid hair this summer to cut out the cost of someeone else doing this.... I recommend everyone who wants to grow their hair through braids but don't have the finances do this... And i know if i can do it, anyone can!!!! I've mastered small cornrows (still trying to work on the designs though), and individual braids.... Not only is it a way to save you money (think about it, all you have to do is pay for the weave instead of the braider!!!) but it can also put money in your pocket if someone sees your style and wants you to duplicate it on them!!!! But I'm going to be following the Crown and Glory Method this school year and when next August rolls around i'm going to wear my hair straight down for the first time (hopefully i won't get any temptations to do it sooner) and let everyone see my new length... Good luck to all teens and thanks for letting me post my two cents...

yeah i think that a year long challenge would be good except that i have no will power either, maybe we should do a bunch of little challenges, like one until christmas or new years so we dont get off track. and then maybe another one until easter, i know that i would be more focused that way, cuz if it was just a year challenge to take care of my hair good, i would be slacking off alot
Ok, im starting to feel bad, when did ur summer start for you ? Cuz im seeing ineedmoney sayong she got 2 or 3 inches ... My summer started like a month ago July 11 or 14 . i cant remember when my exams ended, but like a motnh ago ... i relaxed my hair last night and it had growth but not that much , i wanted to go longer but my hair is short like a longer halle berry and new growth and short styles do not work. My hair did not straighten out at all ... better underprocessed than overprocessed right ? I did over the middle part this morning and stuck so much conditioner in it ,im leaving it in for the whole day. Anyhow i agree with Bronxbaby.. a whole year ... people wont ave the power... Do it to like new years .. and from new years do it to summer and from summer and go on like that .. it would be quicker and so on
SingingStar12: yes Sept 01 would be the start of the new challenge.

twinietwintwin: Im 18, but I'm also a college student and I'm wanting to grow my hair out via cornrows. It would be great to have someone else whose growing out their hair the same way. Its good motivation.

Cutting the challenge up would be a good idea. How about starting sept 01 and ending december 31??
ok i joined at the start of july. just check my reg. date. so i guess that's when my regimen started. lately i have been slacking off with the taking of my vitamins but i will start taking them tomorrow. i just hate popping pills everyday. so arounf the first week of july i got a trim. and my hair has grown about 3/4 of an inch since then. i am being realistic about my hair so i hope to have one healthy inch by the end of this month.
i'm feelin real ashamed now but i really slacked off this summer....i kinda got tired of takin my vits so i stopped and only jus restarted with peachtree, i've been wearin protective styles the whole time tho and plan on doin the crown and glory technique, except with a weave coz i've recently fallen in love with BIG hair and also coz weaves =no knots and less time on my @ss gettin them done and removed. Will post pics tomo coz i'm gettin my hair done tmo

p.s. congrats to all the other teens on the great work. Concernin the yr long challenge, that wud b jus lik the 365 day one i gess but ngaa gets impatient
i'd rather have them be lik this one was, seasonal
don't feel bad. i got a aphogee treament on mothers day weekend then started my chalenge june 1rst. i haven't used any heat in my hair since may at the latest. plus i tried some biotin, which if you do try that b-careful it will break you out so bad. i still have bumps.

BTW- i think a fall/ winter challange sounds good. i might not be able to go heat free ( got get my hair did for homecomming and such
) but i'm game. and if you want to do a year long challenge then just all to agree to join every challenge till fall of 2004.
I'm definitely all 4 a seasonal growth challenge b/c im kinda disappointed that I didn't stick firm to my regime to gain those 4 inches, but at least the couple of inches that did grow in made a noticeable difference. I ended up trimming my hair on my last touchup sonow itz between my neck and shoulders. But i definitely want a seasonal challenge it will stop me from abusing my hair in college!
obsessed: The challenge is whatever your goal(s) are for the next few months. Whether its just maintaining healthy hair or growing a few inches(which is mine). Just know we are all going to be here to help you
