texture changes


New Member
Has anyone noticed that since "taking care" of their hair, their texture has changed. I'm pretty sure that 2 months ago or more I was a 4a/b type. After finding this board and others like it and following a regime, it seems like my new growth is in the 3 range. Anyone else experience this or am I just a lil
<font color="brown">Yes - many on this board have noticed that the texture of their hair changed after a few months of being on a hair care regimen. Commonly, the new growth starts to feel softer, and even the wave pattern can change.

Personally, I noticed changes when I added EFAs and MSM to my vitamin regimen. The texture of my new growth changed so dramatically, that it was hard to tell where the new growth actually began. As a result I don't get relaxers as often as I did in the past.

So, no you are not

i've read where people experience this, but mine has been the same so far. the only thing is that the B5 and biotin have made my hair grow in thicker, which is a VERY good thing!