The importance of sleeping with a cap?


New Member
Can someone please enlighten me? I have no idea why people do this and its benefit. If its that great, what do you guys recommend on using?
I sleep with a scarf. I used a cotton pillow case and my hair was disheveled and dry, cotton sucks all moisture out of you hair. Since it was disheveled, more combing. Since it was dry, more breaking. Viscous cycle. A satin bonnet or scarf keeps your hair in place with out sucking all the moisture out. When you protect it at night your hair is basically done for the next day.
I sleep in a satin scarf or a satin bonnet (aka cap) to keep my hair off of my cotton linens. HTH.
I LURVE sleeping in a plastic cap when I feel like looking cute, otherwise Saran wrap is my substitute for silk scarves/bonnet and pillows.
I am yet to find anything else that beats this in giving my hair a super moisturizing treatment, plus I don't lose any of the moisture to my pillow or scarf. To hear more reasons why many of us sleep in plastic caps, check out the link below in which I think both pros and cons are covered.

Plastic Caps Anyone?

The reason for silk/satin scarves is I think covered in this thread.
My reasons:
1. It keeps the fine cotton fiber bits off my hair and prevent lint & fuzz formation
2. keeps the hair neat and in place throughout the night reducing the need to detangle every morning
3. Keeps the hair moisturised as the sheets dont rub on it and dry it out
Wal-Mart, Sally's, most BBS that cater to AA's have them too.

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