the longest you have went without washing

Same here. Longest I've gone was 3 weeks--big nono! My hair attracts odors very well, so my hair had this bad smell...when the breeze hit it--jeez! :lachen:

Now I cw 3 times a week and shampoo once a week.

Lady_Lioness said:
The longest I've ever went w/o washing was 2 weeks...I could never do that again...If I go past a week w/o washing my scalp would itch like crazy...and my hair would have an awful scent.
I've gone a month. It helps me because the less manipulation on my hair the better, but lately I can't go longer then 6-7 days because my scalp gets scaly.... real scaly.. like I have seborrhic dermatitis or something.
Almost two weeks. I work out alot so if I go too long my scalp gets reall nasty, smelly, itchy just BAD. I notice the more I wash the healthier my hair so now I cw 3-4 x a week, shampoo once a week.
msbrown76 said:
The longest I've gone is about 6 weeks (relaxer to relaxer)...this was about 5-7 years ago. This will probably sound silly, crazy, just plain ignorant, etc, but I didn't want the relaxer to be "washed out" and my hair get frizzy. :look: I had this idea that the less I washed my hair, the longer it would stay straight. I don't think I had any adverse effects...if it smelled bad I sure didn't know it :perplexed , and if it started to get that stringy look, I'd just put it in a ponytail. Glad I don't do that anymore...


I did the exact same thing. Also cuz I was lazy. I was relaxed then and I hated blow drying then having to flat iron my hair.
msbrown76 said:
The longest I've gone is about 6 weeks (relaxer to relaxer)...this was about 5-7 years ago. This will probably sound silly, crazy, just plain ignorant, etc, but I didn't want the relaxer to be "washed out" and my hair get frizzy. :look: I had this idea that the less I washed my hair, the longer it would stay straight. I don't think I had any adverse effects...if it smelled bad I sure didn't know it :perplexed , and if it started to get that stringy look, I'd just put it in a ponytail. Glad I don't do that anymore...


I did the exact same thing. Also cuz I was lazy. I was relaxed then and I hated blow drying then having to flat iron my hair.
13 weeks because of twists w/extensions I knew if I washed it, that would be the end. I used sea breeze and I don't recall any adverse effects. On the other side of that... I try not to get anymore styles that aren't washing friendly. If my hair is out of braids the longest I could go is a week. I just like a clean scalp.;)
When I was younger I use to go one or two months without washing. And I use to just throw the gel and use the curling iron all the time. It's a wonder I still had hair. In college, maybe once every 2 weeks. Now 2-3 times a week. My hair starts to itch after 8-10days. I can not be lazy with washing my hair anymore.