The T3 or Maxi


New Member
Hey ladies my cousin wants to get me a one year natural gift I have not even been natural a month yet but it's her money she wants to get me a flat iron and she wants to know what one is the best the T3 or the maxi
T3 all the way.. Your hair will not revert. In jersey it has been 90 degrees and my hair is still going strong from flatironing my hair a week ago.
I'd have to go with the Maxi. I had the T3 wet to dry iron, and hated it. It didn't do a thing for me. I own a maxi and from the first time I used it, the difference was night and day. And just wait until you get the hang of it. The outcome only gets better!
I'd choose the T3. I've had the flatiron for about a year and a half, and it's great. It's very well made and holds up really well. Also, as flatirons go, I think it's pretty gentle on the hair.