To grease or not to grease?


New Member
Hi, everyone.

I grease my hair every 3 days but only to the scalp. I never put grease on the ends of my hair because I don't want it to look so greasy. Is that a mistake? Should I be using some kind of moisturizer on the ends of my hair, also?

By the way, this is a great board. I'm happy that I found it! I never even thought about the question I just asked until I came here.
SShanique, I'm moving towards actually doing the opposite of what you're doing! *laughing* I've stopped putting sulfur 8 on my scalp and have only been apply it to my length and ends. My ends have been so dry in this cold weather, it's the first time I've had to concentrate on them so much. If your ends aren't dry there's no need to focus on them but as for the scalp, I don't want to take any chances of the information being true about hair greasing clogging the scalp.
yes, in reply to Leshia's last statement it was my understanding that grease clogged the pores.
Oh wow. I've never heard about it clogging the scalp. Thanks for the info.

When I was growing up, I went to this summer camp of mostly white girls and some of them were making fun of my hair saying that black people put Crisco in their hair. So, I stopped putting grease in my hair at all. It started to get very thin and would come out very easily. Then years later on Oprah, I saw that we should grease our hair to the scalp. So, I started doing that.

But now, I'm thinking that hair at my scalp gets moisturized, but I do nothing for the rest of it past shampooing and conditioning once a week.
SShanique, just use your own best judgment. If it's working for you to grease your scalp then keep doing it. Some people need to. My mom's hair will literally fall out if she puts a drop of grease anywhere near it, yet I NEED to "feed" my hair and nothing ever sits on top because it just soaks it all up. We're all SO different. Even between family members..
Thanks for the reply! Gosh, this board is so rich with information. I feel like my hair "regimen" is so simple compared to everyone else's. I must say that I get a perm about every 4 to 5 weeks because my hair grows so fast, and it takes longer than the advised time to put it in. Then I wash it every week and grease the scalp every 3 days. That's all I ever do, and my hair is fine.

Then I come here and see vitamins and lots of other stuff. This is overwhelming! I'm just taking it all in! /images/graemlins/smile.gif
*laughing* It's become sort of a "sport" for me in the last few months. After years of keeping it cut, I just decided, let's see how it is really, really long..we'll see. I'm learning something EVERY time I come here, no matter how many times a day. But just beware if you're a product junkie---they'll send you on a spending frenzy! *laughing*
Many people disagree with greasing the scalp because it "clogs the pores." But I disagree, if done lightly, it keeps the scalp and hair moisturized. Many of these new stylists claim this, but like my mother said, most of their clients are wearing weaves and back in the day most black people had long thick kinky hair and used hair grease. Some hair grease is too strong for relaxed hair, but there are some lighter greases that work well. Personally, I use Murray's Hair Revitilizer: Carrot Oil.
Is your scalp dry? Is your hair dry? I think this will determine what needs to be done. If your scalp is dry and tight and itchy, by all means put something on it! You have a relaxer, so I think the length of your hair needs a moisturizer at least every other day. But it doesn't have to be a product loaded with petrolatum and mineral oil. A lot of the women here like Aveda Humectant Pomade. Worlds of Curls Activator Gel is good too. Yes girl, jheri curl juice. /images/graemlins/grin.gif This one is dry--not wet and drippy. ORS Carrot Oil and Kids Organics Scalp Rememdy are other good ones. Look for something that doesn't have petrolatum or mineral oil in it. Or has it listed near the bottom of the ingredient list. A product like that shouldn't weigh your hair down or make it look greasy.
I personally need to grease my scalp, my length and my ends. If my ends aren't moisturized they will get extremely dry. I moisturize my hair every day, sometimes twice a day, but I grease my scalp every 3 days or so.
A question for the ladies that grease or need to grease to combat dryness. Have you used products on your scalp that doesn't contain petroleum, if so how did you find them?
Hi SShanique,

I used to grease my scalp all the time but have learned and experienced better hair growth without it. Since I learned that greasing clogs the pours, I stopped. I used to think I was also greasing my scalp because it was dry. When I started washing my hair every three days, I noticed the dryness virtually disapeared and my hair became much thicker and my styles lasted longer. I do use oils on my hair but I no longer put anything in my scalp. I noticed better results with oils, not too heavy though.

I did, I used Carrot Oil creme and other cremes before that did not contain petroleum and oil. The oil was too heavy and the cremes flaked and caked up in my hair.. /images/graemlins/frown.gif

The grease that I use is a light one (not like the others) and I apply it lightly; not a huge glob per section. I also section the hair bigger. It works for me. /images/graemlins/grin.gif
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
I used to grease my scalp all the time but have learned and experienced better hair growth without it. Since I learned that greasing clogs the pours, I stopped. I used to think I was also greasing my scalp because it was dry. When I started washing my hair every three days, I noticed the dryness virtually disapeared and my hair became much thicker and my styles lasted longer. I do use oils on my hair but I no longer put anything in my scalp. I noticed better results with oils, not too heavy though.

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My experience is identical to yours. I stopped greasing my scalp months ago and my hair has grown faster in those few months than at any other time in my life. Like you always say, different things work for different folks. /images/graemlins/smile.gif

I got ORS Anti-Scalp Oil in a sample pack of ORS products. My scalp feels great and it doesn't conatain petroleum or mineral oil.
I use ORS Carrot Oil and WGO alternately on my scalp. Both work fine. It would be interesting to see what happens if I stop applying stuff to my scalp. I always thought that one had to do this for good hair health.
My boyfriend's whole family don't like carrot oil on the scalp. They said it flakes as well and made their scalp itch. I was in shock /images/graemlins/shocked.gif like "how could you say anything bad about my precious ORS Carrot Oil??" Doesn't mean it's a bad product though, but I recommended that they add some oil to it, mix it up, and use it on the hair. It changes the product completely. I've never used it on the scalp but it works great for my hair.
</font><blockquote><font class="small">In reply to:</font><hr />
Kitkat said:
I use ORS Carrot Oil and WGO alternately on my scalp. Both work fine. It would be interesting to see what happens if I stop applying stuff to my scalp. I always thought that one had to do this for good hair health.

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I hope people are not confusing greasing the scalp and OILING the scalp.

There is a big fat difference between putting a moisturizing oil like Carrot Oil or WGO on your scalp and vaseline or Petroleum based products. Those are the ones that I believe clog the pores and cover up dryness without really solving the problem. They don't penetrate anything they just sit on top. While OILS (especially essential oils)are absorbed into the scalp and pores to prevent dryness.

Therefore, you can put moisturizers on your scalp that don't clog pores.
Ohhhhhhh . . . ok, I didn't realize you were making a distinction btw using something like Carrot Oil versus Vaseline and petroleum based products.

Before I found this board, I used to grease my scalp with petroleum based products. They couldn't be any good for my scalp or my hair. I keep them around now for when I relax at home and need stuff to base my scalp.

LondonDiva, I agree with you. I absolutely love ORS Carrot Oil. When my Aubreys is done I'll definitely try the Hair Mayonnaise.
Honestly I'm not sure if anyone besides me WAS making the distinction. lol But I figured I'd better say something just to be sure.
to grease!!!

I tried applying petroleum-based grease (coconut Blue magic) on my ends and length after washing to seal in moisture and it worked!!!prior to airdrying i put in some s-curl plus pink oil LIGHT moisturizer and then applied blue magic throughout the whole length, with repetetive coating of the ends alone.

i had no frizzies whatsoever on the morning and my hair dried nice, shiny black! i think i used quite a lot of grease but my hair wasnt greasy at all. this may have been due to the fact that i applied it to my hair when it was damp so that it did not sit on the hair like that. yippee! think i found something else my hair loves! hopefully my hair will be able to hold more moisture between washes....
Shanique. How's your hair?

does it seem to do ok ,greasing the scalp? If so continue, you should moisturize your ends though.
I agree with CarmenRose. You have to find what works for your hair. I use Sulfur 8 also, I grease 3 times a week, but I would also shampoo 2xweek. I also was doing Glover's Mane 2xweek--preshampoo. I had my best growth during that period. Now, I'm sporting twists and I only shampoo once a week, so I've stopped the Sulfur 8 /images/graemlins/frown.gif. I will start back applying it when I take may twists down. When I was a kid my hair was long and healthy (pressed/relaxed)and my Mom was using grease.

And you should have told those white chicks that you would rather put Crisco in your hair then have LICE any day /images/graemlins/grin.gif!