
I definitely have a lot of damage, so I finally found a stylist named Anne Marie to do my hair. I got a nice surprise when I shared with her my hair goals for the future. I told her about my goal to go natural and grow out my hair. She and I planned to do several chop sessions. Her analysis was the same as mine. I do not need a relaxer to have beautiful hair. My damage was extensive, though and I had to cut my hair from below SL to mid neck level.:ohwell: The sad truth is that I still have more damaged hair to cut, but to keep my transition going, I asked my stylist to cut it into a cute style as I grow my hair. I will be getting pictures as soon as I can. She did a blow out/flat iron on my hair. She used the Fantasia IC heat serum as a heat protectant. This wash, cut, and style only cost me 40$.:yep: I was pleasanttly surprised that she was a knowledgeable stylist who knows how to handle textured styles. She is a white woman, but she has skills! She can even cornrow and I am :drunk: because my hair looks so much more healthy. My transition will continue and I don't have to stress myself out about my hair anymore. I am in good hands! She styled it into the cute Rhinanna bob style where my nape is tapered. I feel so cute!:giggle:
I'm glad you are feeling cute! :gorgeous: that's what makes lots of women stop transitioning and go back to the relaxer... they don't feel as pretty.

You know we wanna see pics!
So exciting. I'm glad you like it and feel good about yourself.

Now..... eagerly awaiting photos....
I'm glad you found such a great stylist and had nice salon experience (it's refreshing to hear about those). And hopefully you do come back and post pics.
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we need pictures dammit!!!!

but YAY for you and your skilled new stylist.
I'm glad you found her
What caused so much damage DD, I thought you got your hair/techniques sorted out and were seeing progress?

Sorry to hear that but am glad you found someone IRL to help you out.
I am so happy that you have found a great stylist to help you transition. Now you know we wanna see pictures of your fierce new haircut, so show us!

I am glad you found someone that you can trust to help you out in this journey.
Good to hear you're on the right track! Do you know what caused all that damage? That's a lot of cutting.
What caused so much damage DD, I thought you got your hair/techniques sorted out and were seeing progress?

Sorry to hear that but am glad you found someone IRL to help you out.

I think it is just my hair. It can no longer handle relaxers. It looked fine for a while and then the shedding got ridiculous. My ends were so damaged, I was embarrassed to wear my hair out. It looked long and healthy to the outsiders, but to me, I saw what my hair looked like and I made the decision to never relax my hair again.:nono: The Aphoghee helped with the shedding, but the damaged hair remained. My transition is still on schedule. According to my stylist, I have 2" of natural hair. It's too cold to do a full BC, at least for me, it is.:lachen: It looks better, but I still have 3" of damaged hair.:ohwell: She gave me a really cute cut, so I can continue my transition. We're going to gradually cut the damaged hair. I will get the pics ASAP. I know I should've waited to post this thread when I had pics, but I could not wait to tell you guys about it. LOL!
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Wonderful! It's always feels good to know that you've made wise decisions that will allow you to reach future goals and then revel in the awesomeness you've achieved!
You sound really happy. That's great!

I know what you mean about your white stylist. My stylist is white and she is the BEST! Most of her clientele is AA women and natural.
Glad you have stylist you can trust. It makes all the difference. I also have my hair cut by a white stylist. I go where the expertise is, regardless of color.
I wish my transition was going great. It's okay..I think I'm learning patience because I got the big chop..just couldn't take the bad ends and etc. Now I have about four inches of permed hair, and hardly any new growth in the front, back is totally natural. It's the bomber! So I got to learn to be patient and keep my hands out of my head. I'm glad you are doint great though!
Woohoo, it seems like you have won half the battle! Good luck with your transition and remember to stay away from too much heat! Can't wait to see the pics!
I'm glad that you have found someone who is willing to work with you. It does feel good to find someone who has the same goals as yourself. HHG!!!