Vaseline Ends

Country gal

Well-Known Member
What is the benefit in moisturing your ends with Vaseline? I see that many of you use Vaseline on your ends. Do you were your hair straight or in a bun when you have vaseline ends?
I wear my hair in a bun -definitely- when I put Vaseline on my ends. I don't use it to moisturize but as a heavy-duty way to seal in moisture. Check out Lee's Vaseline challenge thread. HTH!
the main purpose of vaselin is to seal in all that moisture
after you washed or conditioned. You add leave in and different sprays to your hair so you want to seal all that in with the vaseline. don't add it to dry hair it might e a sticky mess. and only to your ends not throughout the hair.
brwnskingirl said:
the main purpose of vaselin is to seal in all that moisture
after you washed or conditioned. You add leave in and different sprays to your hair so you want to seal all that in with the vaseline. don't add it to dry hair it might e a sticky mess. and only to your ends not throughout the hair.

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Thanks for explaining the purpose behind the Vaseline ends.
I dont like to put the vaselline on my hair wet at all. I get much better results when I put it on my hair dry right before I go to bed. In the morning it feels really nice. I cant believe how well it works this is one of the best hair tips i've ever been given. (And the cheapest)

hair 3c
I thought I had explained the purpose of the vaseline by describing it as a heavy duty sealant. Oh well, glad you got another explanation, lol. Are you gonna try the vaseline challenge, sbaker?
would it be bad to use the vaseline throught all my hair, like just the top layer not on the scalp? i love the softness it gives my hair an that fact that im protectin the whole of my head not just the ends. does anyone think it would still clog my pores or retard growth?
It may be ok to put the Vaseline all over your hair, just as long as your hair is wet or damp so it is sealing in the moisture.
I was thinking the same thing. The vaseline has made my ends softer than anything else (other than UBH cream) and I'm dying to use it all over. I mentioned it to a friend of mine and she told me about a friend of hers that uses vaseline all over her hair and that it was just gorgeous.
I use vaseline over my entire hair all the time.
I thought that if I mentioned that to you guys, ya'll would surely run for the hills!
But yes, I love using vaseline all over.

Nyambura said:
I thought I had explained the purpose of the vaseline by describing it as a heavy duty sealant. Oh well, glad you got another explanation, lol. Are you gonna try the vaseline challenge, sbaker?

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Your post was very helpful. I meant to thank everyone who posted. I was able to find Leejure's original post at your urging.
I put it on the top layer of my hair too. What I do when I get ready to bun it up is take a bit of water and smooth it over my hair, put a bit of wildgrowth, and then vaseline. It's not nearly as heavy as what I do for the ponytail.

I do this because I want to keep my hair from sticking up all over the place.