What are protective styles for naturals?



Protective styles are mainly those where you protect the ends from external damage, right? So, would two strands and braids be considered protective or only buns protective?


Well-Known Member
Good question.

Bublnbrnsuga said:
Protective styles are mainly those where you protect the ends from external damage, right? So, would two strands and braids be considered protective or only buns protective?


New Member
I wear my hair in two strands and then put my twists into a bun. That way the ends are protected (via the bun) and there is little manipulation because my hair is twisted.



Ayiti cherie
syoulee1 said:
I wear my hair in two strands and then put my twists into a bun. That way the ends are protected (via the bun) and there is little manipulation because my hair is twisted.


I consider this protective too, when I do this my ends do well.


Well-Known Member
I think keeping your hair in twists (and not doing twistouts) is a very protective style, even if you don't put your twisted hair in a bun. Why? Because once your hair is in twists, there is ZERO manipulation until you take it down and wash it. That's a recipe for hair growth.